***Priority check ***
Live your life
according to what’s important to YOU.
Double check
that you’re not spending your time
doing what someone else thinks you should.
And re-evaluate often!
You are changing every day!
Let yourself grow
with love and respect.
Honor and follow your true heart.
It will reward you with energy, fulfillment and passion!
It will always reveal a life you love!
All Is Well,
Christina Brittain

***Spring feeling***
All Is Well,
Christina Brittain

Commune-with-the-magic-of-who-FBAs I tune in to prepare for creating video blogs, it’s also a natural time for me to pause and reflect about What am I doing? What’s my aim and purpose at this time anyway? I just published two affirmation coloring books and was in a kind of a seclusion as I created them. Now the winter is over. It beautifully corresponds to our natural seasons – Spring equinox is almost here. Time to come out of the cave and move out into the world again. How do I want to ORIENT myself to the world? What’s the motivation behind each step? What’s the whole dance about for me anyway? I took time to contemplate that and get myself clear and aligned. Okay, I asked myself, so what AM I about? What IS it that I’m truly interested in spending my time doing, and what’s my INTENTION behind that? What’s my work in the world?
Well, I didn’t like that word “work.” I’m in favor of ease and flow and decided to refrain that word. So I asked myself, What is my interest, calling and attention? Here is my inner answer:
My interest, Calling and Attention
First: to vibrate, commune, alignment with the magic of who I am, and experience the ecstasy, beauty and joy of being alive – in WHATEVER forms are available in EVERY moment and mood!
Second: to hug, share, uplift, reach out and vibrate truly, with love and knowing, to remind me and others that we are wonderful, magnificent, good beings as we are and in every stage of our expansion!
I love my inner answers!
And honestly, to go back for a second to the word “work,” it might be fair to say that it IS my work because it does require of me (at least at this point anyway) some effort, conscious remembering and commitment to align first and THEN share. And in a way, that’s ALL of our work – to keep directing our attention back to what you know to be true for ourselves, rather than be swept along in any kind of day-to-day or social forgetfulness. Our work is to keep remembering who we actually are, despite convincing stories and distractions.
What is your specific work? Your commitment? Your calling? It probably doesn’t have anything to do with your job! My cousin has an innate interest and talent at seeing the best in everyone, seeing their skills, knowing the best way to apply those skills that work best for the group, seeing the bigger picture and how things fit together, and fostering a friendly sense of community and sharing. I certainly see all that as her calling and her work, and she can do that no matter what field she’s working. (She’s also exceptionally talented in her particular career choice, which is gravy, but she can be fulfilling her innate interest and call anywhere.) I mention this because there is a difference between our JOBS and are calling/innate purpose. That’s something I think we all know deep down but need to keep reminding ourselves of!
Another way of saying all this is: Who you are and how you BE makes a positive difference far more than what you DO. In the end, that’s what I came back to. I came back to the need to commune, every day, with the unique magic of who I am, because who I am IS my calling. I think that’s true for you too, magical being. And I hope you have fun every day communing with the fabulous particularness of you! Happy communing!