I. H.A.V.E. A.L.W.A.Y.S. B.E.E.N. E.N.O.U.G.H.

I rreplaceable me. I am
H ere.
A live in the way that only I can be. Life
V iews Itself,
E xperiences Itself as it can only through my unique
A wareness.  My affinity for the things I
L ove. The particular curiosities I
W onder about. The
A ffirmation of Life that my own sweet voice of
“Y es!” Brings to the
S inging Presence behind all
B eing.
E xistence isn’t
E verything without me. Or without you. 
N othing is
E xtraneous. Anyone or anything is no more or less miraculous.
N ow, as I am, I am
O ne of the indispensable notes of the
U nlimited Melody.  We are the Intelligent, Eternal Music.
G orgeous, whole, full and enough in our parts. We are the inextricable
H armonies of the One Song of Light.

So much love and reverence for all of our unique, beautiful voices,

Hey everyone!  I love to share with you!  I love to be in heart connected conversation about who we REALLY are!  That knowing brings such expanded freedom, peace and enjoyment of life.  But sometimes writing to you can get me in my head. Prose can trip me up.  That’s why it has worked so well for me to have the sweet format of coloring pages. And more recently, I’ve been doing those simple poems that begin with the letters of the coloring page messages.  

I was reading Brother David’s Gratitude Journal and in it he described a gratitude game of going through the alphabet, looking around for something to be grateful for that starts with each letter.  It occurred to me that Brother David’s alphabet idea is another wonderful, simple vessel for me to share through.  Coloring pages, simple poems, and now an alphabet of insights and quick thoughts…!  I’m really curious to go through the alphabet at least once!  I’ll offer an insight on something that spontaneously occurs to me that begins with the current letter.  I’ll post one every Monday for 26 weeks!  Thank you for sharing along with me – and for all of the insights that YOU have all shared with me as we’ve gone along! 
So much love!

Here is the first one!!!!!

A is for All or Nothing:

What if all or nothing is another way of saying flight/flight or freeze?  All or nothing comes out of a mind afraid of lack. If I perceive that I lack safety, I must manage that danger.  And if some part of me identifies food, money, another person or anything else as HOW I can get safety, then I grab it, hurry after it, or shut down and protect myself from the absence of it.  All or nothing has nothing to do with inner guidance that is free to move in a world of wellbeing.  It has everything to do with the mind’s misunderstanding of life.   Life, infinite as it is, IS a vast more-than-enoughness. And so are we. Right here. Right now. As we are.  As part of life, wellbeing and enoughness is what we ARE.  When we know this, we can stand balanced in the center, listening to natural, inner direction instead of acting on panicked extremes of how to get the wellbeing that is “out there.”

Here’s the latest reminder song!
I Am Not The Thoughts!
Sung to the tune of B.I.N.G.O!

There comes a time when you can see,
It’s all made of think-ing!
Me! I’m not the thoughts!
Me! I am just love!
Me! I am the one Who watches all the think-ing!

And as the one who watches thought,
I see what I am. Oh!
Me! I am the Love!
Me! I am the Life!
Me! I am the Light
That shines behind the think-ing!

Singing and playing with you!
Christina Brittain!

Colored by the Amazing Light we call Kory Dyszkewicz!

I magining the future, I
T ear myself in a thousand directions of IF.
Re-imagining the past, I
A nchor myself in muddy “truths.”
In either direction, I
L eave myself. Over and over I
L ive in a a
H azy fantasy of fabrication, with no
A wareness of the
P resent and its
P eace. But here, in this moment, all my
E nergy is
N ow. Available.
S imple – without the endless, complex details to
I nvest in.
N ow. Available. Simple. I sit on the
T hrown of presence. Whatever it is that I am is
H ere with this
E xtraordinary
P rivilege of witnessing miraculous movement
R oll through me, as me – this unique
E xpression of Infinite Life.
Seated in this
E xquisite place of seeing, I am truly home, held, in the
N exus of formless and form, love and its celebrations. I
T hrum and pulse and revel in the very aliveness of experience itself.


Thrumming with you, seeing with you, loving with you here in the present moment,


W.H.A.T. I. P.U.T. M.Y. A.T.T.E.N.T.I.O.N. O.N. C.O.M.E.S. T.O. L.I.F.E.

W elcome
H ome to the infinite yes to choose from.  The place of
A ll
T hat
I s, offering Itself to you according to what you give
P riority to. What gets your attention?  What blooms
U nder your loving gaze, or flames under your
T errified misunderstanding?
Y our perspective changes everything. The frame of
A wareness casts each
T hing differently, depending on the
T ype of light we place it in. What if
E verything is
N eutral except for the
T one of mind
I lluminating it?  The
O bvious to you is not
N ecessarily obvious to anyone else.  If I am
O rienting to the light I wield as a searchlight?  Well, the infinite yes is transformed into unending
N o. “No, that’s not it….No, that’s not it…” Positioned as searching I
C reate everything as lost, not found. Missing. Lacking.  But holding a flashlight? That is an
O pportunity to light up
M y universe!  To reveal what is already
E ver-present and waiting for my discovery!  A marvelous tool to see the miraculous variety come to life around me!
S hining my attention
T hrought this lens of wonder, Existence rushes joyfully into my beam,
O rdering Itself into the visible,
L oving every minute of the spotlight, which celebrates what it
I lluminates!  Such awe in realizing our ability to
F lood the mystery with light and life. We can rejoice in our
E xperience as these bringers of light.

Shining my light on how much I love and appreciate you all!

Colored by Rockstar Goddess Kim Bell!

I ‘m already safe. Here. Now. I don’t have to
L eave, wandering the streets, begging to
E at scraps, selling myself for protection, pleading for a place at someone else’s
T able of wellbeing.
L ove lives right here, where safety has always been.  It is the glowing hearth
I n my home of homes, inside. I am
F ree and available to the
E nergy that powers everything. Life is safe. I let what
C omes, come in its own way, in its timing,
O ffering Itself to me. Through me. There is always the
M iracle of enough.  The illusion of
E mptiness can never be filled out there. Only here, relaxed on my natural
T hrown of presence can I receive the
O bvious truth of infinite security.
M oving, flowing, providing, cherishing, nurturing, nourishing – this is the holy,
E ternal wellspring of being home.

Leaning back with you and allowing life to come in all its wild, safe glory,