Straight to The Aha! Feeling!
The part that matters about any Aha! moment is the FEELING of it. That feeling of bursting through, of breaking out of some box, of suddenly coming up to the surface and having so much more air and light and freedom! We see it differently and it becomes clear how we’ve been holding ourselves in, constraining ourselves unnecessarily. Things make more sense and everything seems more possible. The world – and LIFE! – opens up. We breathe. We relax. We laugh! Such joy, surprise and YES in those moments!
When it comes down to it, the specific realizations and insights don’t matter at all. They are just the current doorway through which our expansion came. Expansion, or reconnection, with what is always here around us – the vast field of everything that is Aha!
Usually we can’t even remember the specifics of our insights.  They get integrated into who we are and they aren’t important.  But the feeling – THAT we definitely remember.
Don’t worry about cataloging your insights.  Let that doorway idea go. The FEELING of Aha! is always there.  Maybe we can just slip on in, anytime we want, without needing any kind of insight at all. 
I’m smiling as I type this. I’m feeling the big YES of Aha! right now!
Here with you in the Aha! of Life and loving you!

No one thing is going to be “THE” thing you’ve been looking for.  YOU are a process.  So what you are looking for, needing, resonating with and what is actually helpful to you in this moment will always be different.  You are changing, so what resonates will change too. 

No book, guru, podcast, way of eating, philosophy can ever encapsulate the whole “Truth.”  It can only be one LENSE on the infinite, unknowable Truth. 

BUT we can feel the Truth.  Our beautiful, reverberating bodies can tell us what direction feels open, non-resistant and in general seems to move with a naturalness.  And our bodies can tell us what makes us feel like we want to contract, draw back or what feels forced and just not like something that fits or feels right. 

We are equipped with this amazing resonance system.  It tells us when we are moving with the way things naturally move, and when we aren’t.

If you are looking for the one thing that will finally give you the answer so you can relax and live your life, you’re it.  YOU’RE the “it.” Inside you, that inner navigation system will answer every moment with an accurate resonance. Your mind is busy assessing and gets confused. But your body tells you what is right for you in that moment. 

As I heard a dear person say recently, “It’s not about what’s right. It’s about what’s right for me right now.”

Let all the options be available to nourish the process of you in this moment, rather than trying to make the ever-evolving YOU fit into one tiny perspective of The Infinite Creative Flow of Everything.

You’re it! So what’s right for your “IT” right now?