“EVERYTHING is an expression of God’s (Source’s, the Universe’s) Eternal Loveliness.”
— St. Francis of Assisi
“Sometimes a thing needs to be retaught its loveliness.”
— Thomas Merton
I recently found these quotes in a book I am reading called Loveability,by Robert Holden. I love them because they describe what I do. I reteach folks (put them back into contact with) their unique, eternal loveliness. We forget how truly Divine and perfect we are, AS we are. Right now. I love to remind you (and me) about that.
For as long as I can remember, I have consciously worked to “unfold” myself. I keep opening myself to being as “Christina” as I can. Why? Because I have an inherent knowing that it is my function in the Universe to be the particular, lovely expression of God that I am. (Fill in the word of your choosing if you don’t like the word God. Who cares what we call the unnamable anyway…?!) I’ve had lots of conditioning that has created blocks to me knowing my “loveliness.” But even as I tango with those blocks, I know they aren’t real. I’ve gathered a pretty fantastic bag of tools to help me reorient to the truth. And because putting myself back into contact with my loveliness – and expanding into that – is my whole focus in life, that’s of course what I created as my “job” with others. With all YOU eternal lovelies! It’s agonizing to forget your own eternal, gorgeous nature and to think anything less than loving thoughts about yourself. And I can so EASILY see how magnificent each of YOU are!
So I hope this new doodle helps you reconnect with sublimely loving thoughts about yourself and your own value as a beautiful expression of the Indivisible One! May we remember that we are love, we are loving and we most certainly are LOVED!
I love YOU!
e-hugs, Chris
Christina Brittain