Wonders really never do cease.  The Mystery pours forth every day.
Wellbeing keeps
Thriving and
Creating!  How ungraspably amazing that it does that
Through US!  Blessed when we know to feel for the
Miracles being born in our ideas and dreams, in the words
we speak and in the sweet, simple
 acts of washing dishes, drinking tea and the brave,
human journey of putting one foot
in front of the other as we walk into each next
unknown moment of being alive.

Below is a coloring page for you to print and color in yourself! Click on the image and it will open in a new window as an 8.5×11 image for you to print! (Or you can right click the image and save it to your computer to print!) And I would LOVE it if you took a picture of your finished page and emailed it to me! While you are at it, how about playing with making your own word poem like the one above that I made using the first letters of each word in the coloring page? Send me those too, please!! I will post them here!

Thank you for being here. For sharing in this circle with me.  
Hi everyone. I want to take a moment to share with you all that I have a dear friend who is hanging out near the Mystery of death.  She’s dancing with a cancer diagnosis and her own gorgeous relationship to LIFE!  In her words, she’s close to the veil right now. But who knows whether or not she will dance back into the more solid, or less solid side of the energy…? We who are privileged with being with her right now just don’t know anything about what will happen or even IS happening!  Which leaves room for the realization that ANYTHING can happen. I love to quote Scott Kelly who said “At the end of the day, possibility is all there is.”

It really is a Mystery. All of it. Every part of this amazing awareness, experience, existence…  I deeply appreciate that you that are here in this circle of connection with me.  I see that we are so engaged in this MYSTERIOUS, wondrous ride.  We’re willing to be curious.  Willing to maybe be okay with NOT KNOWING anything really.  And we’re so able to revel in the beauty all of this experience that we don’t understand. That’s the thing. My friend’s journey is challenging, miraculous, astonishing, inspiring, painful, powerful, messy, clear, simple …. It’s all of it.  And I see so much beauty in every part of it. 

I see so much beauty in every part of you. Of me. Of our dance here.  I feel such love for you all. Thank you again for being here with me – and for each other.  Much love and JOY in my body and being for our whole, mysterious dance together!

J.O.Y. I.N. T.H.E. B.O.D.Y.

J ump and shout!  Let it all shine
O ut!  Rejoice in 
Y our voice and your wings of light
I ncandescent, real
N ear to the earth, yet
T rembling with ecstatic flight of
H eart beating, blood pumping
E nergy of Life Life Life!
B ooming and blooming and
O pening doors of
D elight with every single moment of
Y OU being HERE in this home of beloved earth body adventure!!