Y.O.U. H.A.V.E. F.U.L.L. P.E.R.M.I.S.S.I.O.N. O.F. B.E.I.N.G.

Y ell or whisper, be
O pen or closed, be
U p or down, be
H umble or puffed up with a swagger and a smirk. It’s all
A llowed.  What if it’s more than allowed but actually
V enerated by whatever the
E nergy is that
F orges and fuels us? We can’t
U nderstand that kind of unlimited creation of
L ife in the exploration of its infinite self from our
L imited human
P erspectives. But we can
E avesdrop by every thought, feeling and action that
R olls through us.  The
M ysterious magic of that Beyond
I ntelligent Power is really the
S ource of all “our” doings.  We are sweet
S pectators with the barest
I nkling that there is only
O ne and that Oneness, that Wholeness leaves
N othing out. It’s
O bvious that anything, any way of being that we could ever be, comes
F rom the Wild Inclusiveness. And so we
B e.  What are we judging, resisting, claiming as our own or
E mbracing when a thought, a mood
I nvites itself in?  When we look up at the sky of being and the unfathomable movement of Creation, we can see that
N othing is personal. And every surprising moment is a
G ift given. Be freely, knowing all of it is the changing, surprising play of Life, discovering Itself through YOU. 

Let’s wave our magic wands and give ourselves full permission to be all that we are. Especially since we’re going to be however we are in every moment, whether we give ourselves permission or not!
Love to you,

Hi everyone.  Some of you know a tad about my past funkiness with food and health. I grew up in a really extreme environment when it came to food.  I was put on diets from the time I was 8 years old.  Growing up, I was given the incredibly mixed message that I was supposed to be my mom’s eating buddy but also supposed to be thin.  I developed binge eating and bulimia to cope with that impossible demand.  I couldn’t figure out what food was “safe,” or how I was supposed to eat. Mom and I went on endless fad diets. There were years when we only allowed ourselves to eat 500 calories a day, but then ate until we were sick on the weekends.   All that undependable nutrition and body abuse resulted in a variety of health issues.  And the health issues in turn amplified my uneasiness, anxiety and misunderstanding about food.  My friends, believing all those mixed-up thoughts, I behaved in truly crazy ways.  I felt such massive, overwhelming confusion and was so steeped in my thinking that I couldn’t access basic common sense.
Now I see so much.  I am far more free, trusting, healthy and happy.  And I know what my thinking is now, which changes everything about my relationship to life itself, not just food and body.  I know that what I’ve seen could be helpful to you too.  Regardless of whether you suffer confusion about food and health, or you obsess and worry about other stuff.  I know it can help because I’ve watched this new clarity help my clients – with food and with every other topic imaginable.
So I want to share it with you. I met a new friend named Sarah Parker who wants to share with me!  Sarah lives in the UK and works for the National Health System, working with people with eating disorders. She’s able to help because she dealt with anorexia for over 15 years and then with her own resultant health issues.  But like me, the major reason she’s able to help is because of what she’s seen about how human minds even create our “realities” and why that’s so confusing to us.  Sarah and I have been talking a lot about “The Feast” as a metaphor for understanding and reorienting to joy around food – and everything else in life. 
We really hope you’ll join us for this 4-part webinar workshop.  You can come to one or all of them, and you can come even your own struggles have to do with something other than food.  In this, our first workshop, we ask that as your “fee,” you write a testimonial and give us some feedback on what you experienced. 
We’re sending you all our love and celebration of The Feast!
Christina and Sarah

I. A.M. W.A.Y. B.I.G.G.E.R. T.H.A.N. A.N.Y. T.H.O.U.G.H.T., I.D.E.A. O.R. S.T.O.R.Y.

I t’s impossible to contain you!
A nyway, who do you think you are?! 
M ore than you think, that is for certain.  Look at yourself with
W onder and
A mazement! What you think
Y ou are is only a fraction of what you can perceive. You are
B eyond all
I maginable
G ood.  You are
G reater, larger than anything and
E verything you’ve ever
R ealized about yourself.  The
T ruth is that
H owever you’ve conceived yourself to be, you are as vast as
A wareness Itself.  And there is
No one thought that can define or explain the
A ll-encompassing consciousness that lives as you right
N ow. 
Yes, you. Me.  All
T hings
H ave more to them than any
O ne idea.  There is more to all of us than we can
U nderstand
G iven our single viewpoint as a
H uman that can register only the
T iniest fraction of what exists, what is possible – even in ourselves. Yes, we, YOU are
I nimitable!  The truth of you is far-greater than the mind can fathom, yet your unique, HUGE
D esign is
E xquisitely YOU!  It’s just that “you” are far bigger than your brain can
A llow. So, maybe feel into the
O pen, unknowable
R eality of your own
S ublime Presence. Lean in and
T ouch that simultaneous
O neness and the individual you that It expresses. And in that loosening of surety,
R elax into, ease everywhere into, the reality of
Y ou that is so, so, SO much bigger than any thought, idea or story ever could be.


With love from the biggness of me to the biggness of you,

If you’ve got your pedal to the metal and are leaning forward trying to get there faster, lean back. Slow down and look around. Chances are that it’s not even YOU driving the bus. Who or what snuck in there and got their hands on the wheel?  Slide back into the driver’s seat, ease up on the gas and see if you’re even headed where you want to go!

D.O.N.’.T. T.A.K.E. I.T. P.E.R.S.O.N.A.L.L.Y.

D ifferent people,
O ther worlds,
N ever ending
T houghts….
T ruth depends on which
A ngle you’re viewing from. We
K now nothing, really.
E verything is a tiny
I nterpretation of
T rillions of
P ieces of information.
E verything is
R eceived through the
S enses, the lenses of bias,
O pinion and what we’re open to, used to and comfortable with.
N o – nothing is personal.  Not even your own thoughts.
A bsolve yourself from taking those personally too.
L iberate yourself of that mistaken identity.
L eave it all be. Let
Y ourself be free.