Y.O.U. H.A.V.E. F.U.L.L. P.E.R.M.I.S.S.I.O.N. O.F. B.E.I.N.G.
Y ell or whisper, be
O pen or closed, be
U p or down, be
H umble or puffed up with a swagger and a smirk. It’s all
A llowed. What if it’s more than allowed but actually
V enerated by whatever the
E nergy is that
F orges and fuels us? We can’t
U nderstand that kind of unlimited creation of
L ife in the exploration of its infinite self from our
L imited human
P erspectives. But we can
E avesdrop by every thought, feeling and action that
R olls through us. The
M ysterious magic of that Beyond
I ntelligent Power is really the
S ource of all “our” doings. We are sweet
S pectators with the barest
I nkling that there is only
O ne and that Oneness, that Wholeness leaves
N othing out. It’s
O bvious that anything, any way of being that we could ever be, comes
F rom the Wild Inclusiveness. And so we
B e. What are we judging, resisting, claiming as our own or
E mbracing when a thought, a mood
I nvites itself in? When we look up at the sky of being and the unfathomable movement of Creation, we can see that
N othing is personal. And every surprising moment is a
G ift given. Be freely, knowing all of it is the changing, surprising play of Life, discovering Itself through YOU.
Let’s wave our magic wands and give ourselves full permission to be all that we are. Especially since we’re going to be however we are in every moment, whether we give ourselves permission or not!
Love to you,