Hi. This one is my favorite so far. Getting more comfortable with being on video, and so I’m enjoying this even more. I’m just enjoying the play and sharing my little ditties. Hugs to you all. Really. I miss hugging as much as I’d like!
Here’s a little ditty about the simple joy, power and LOGIC of doing what feels good! Support your body and its flow by doing what feels good – and revel in what feels good just for the joy of it. What we feel equals our experience in the moment and in life. This song reminds us that we can revel in and enjoy on purpose! Loving you, Christina Brittain
I love to change the lyrics to songs so I can play with and remind myself about things that feel true to me. Things that feel good in my body and stick happily in my mind. The songs help me give my attention to things that I love to experience (rather than spend time spinning in my mind on unhelpful patterns). This one is a simple, sweet reminder that when we feel love, we radiate it inside and out. It just feels good to do that, and this song is a fun way to! I hope you enjoy!
I forget but thankfully remember over and over again that life happens from the inside out. That how we think about what’s happening in our lives determines what we experience. It determines what we experience because we’re feeling what we are thinking. And knowing that we are the ones who witness our thoughts, feelings and experiences, we have so much more freedom to relate to life differently. The same life, the same “drama” is now a whole new, alive, even beloved experience.
I know I am more than the story that happens between my ears. And the more I expand into this larger me, the more love I have for the storied me. Knowing that I am more than what I am experiencing right now, I’m somehow much more alive to the experience! Alive and free and available to unadulterated LIFE! The ability to hold my smaller identity within the vast truth of myself Has been profoundly healing for me. I feel more acceptance, happiness, freedom, calm, trust and openness. I feel my oneness and connection with All Life, and allow it to Flow through me in a way it can only through me. So I simultaneously have less of an identity and yet honor and cherish the uniqueness of being exactly the person I am. For me, this curiosity about who I am without my story opens up connection to nature, life, oneness, love, spirit and yet deep, true, authentic self. It creates such a relaxation in me. No fighting being who I am. Just a beingness of who/what I am. A bird is just a bird. It goes about its life without a story about itself. And certainly not a story about how it should be OTHER than what it is. If it tried to be a porcupine, it would get in its own way. Seemingly (because we can never really be separate), it would hold itself up out of the natural web. It would go against the Flow of things, and against its natural place and ways of being. But a bird never has a story of needing to be a porcupine, so it is relaxed. Being its bird self, it naturally, effortlessly fits into the scheme of all Life. So, me. So, you. We are all perfect, and held in the larger truth of what we be. No need for story.
And yet, how sweet the story of bird! Of me. Of you. <3
Christina Brittain