Below the neck, I can quickly feel all that my senses bring me. And my senses tell me about this present moment of being alive. My senses tell me about now. They never tell me about the past or the future. My senses allow me to be fully present. Drop below your neck, and I drop back into contact with my own deep knowing of Home. 01:02:332022-04-30 12:48:35D is for Drop Below The Neck
I lived in my town, La Mesa, for 8 years before it dawned on me that “la mesa” is Spanish for “the table.” I’ve been trying to find my proverbial (and fairly literal) place at the table for as long as I can remember. I speak some Spanish and knew that “la mesa” means “the table.” But I was so focused on trying to getto the table, that I couldn’t see that I had arrived. The short version is that I was raised with the strong message that food – and life – were for other people. Very understandably, throughout my entire life, my mind has been trying to figure out ways out of that closed, no-win premise.
But the premise isn’t real. It’s just not true. This misperception of lack and disconnection has caused so much suffering in myself, others and the world. The panicked grabbing for more: trying to fill up a perceived need for belonging with substitutes like too much TV, shopping, foods, drugs, the illusion of control…… Substitutes that leave us with empty bellies, hearts and the same painful untruths.
As the mirage fades, I see what is really there. We already belong. We are already full of connection, enoughness, resources, safety, love….. Now I see the sparkling feast of life itself. I see that there is a place for me and that there always has been. I see that everyone is an honored guest at this banquet. This buffet of experiences. And – sweet awe! – that we are all welcome to choose freely from the vast array of offerings. We, I, will not be given a frantic 5 minutes to cram in whatever comes to hand first, making do with whatever we can get but left unsatisfied. Food, human connections, work, play, creativity, and all of the endless variety and forms of aliveness are here for us. Life is available. Welcome, honored and celebrated for always, we can come and go, taking what actually truly nourishes us at any given time.
It’s hard to comprehend the never-ending abundance of this feast of offerings. Truly, we can be in awe at the very fact that a table even exists! When we pause to reflect, it’s an amazing thing that there is a table. And a chair. And a body and beingness here to witness and wonder at it all in the first place. The first place. The original place. The natural place at the table. It’s clear to me now that I’ve found (remembered) my place here at the table. It’s obvious that we all have a place here. That we all belong. How can it be otherwise? Life is not missing anything. It’s whole, and in the definition of wholeness all the parts are included. We are all included. We are all most revered guests. And the feast is infinitely more because we are all here together. Dear friends, we all have a home here at the table. My heart is so full to see you seated here with me. 23:38:292022-04-30 12:55:04I Found My Place At The Table
H olding nothing, E verything comes. L ife L ives me, as me, through me – O pening me and all T ruer and truer to the O ne Energy with infinite forms. T hankful, celebrating the eternal H alleluiah with E very E xpression of creative N othing birthing, blinking into and out of that next play of E xistence. R eady – I am ready, available, G lorious in your, as Y our Presence.
~~~~~~~ Hello to the energy as YOU. Loving that you, Christina 17:34:212022-04-30 13:00:17Hello To The Energy That Powers Everything
Naturally shifting, easing, pressure is relieved, energy is free to flow on. Bearing down and trying hard, we hold things in rigid defense and structures that are too tight to move.
Exhale, soften….and there is space for fresh possibility. 15:27:012022-04-30 13:01:37ABC Insights: C is for Change
I have the experience that when I’m not in my center my energy is “out there.” Diffuse. Scattered. There is the feeling that it has nothing cohesive or integrous to organize around. I’m blowing in the wind of my thoughts, other’s thoughts and influences, putting out fires and doing things in a reactive mode. I have no sense of my own presence.
When I give my attention to the core of my body, I come into direct contact with an intelligent aliveness. There is a calm truth and wide open connection and receptivity to the moment. I feel myself at my center. And I also feel the presence of a knowing. Or even an okayness with not knowing, regardless of whether or not this moment seems to need a direction, an answer or some kind of guidance.
“Okayness” is at the center. The center of the universe is at the center. It helps me so much to pause and slow down to re-feel that okayness. To re-feel the steady fact of my existence. To sense again that this is where I live.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Feeling love for you from the center of it all, Christina 01:14:312022-04-30 13:10:55ABC Insights: C Is For Center
Colored by the Rockstar Goddesses Kim Bell and Kory Dyszkewicz!
Y ak yak yak…. In the room of the mind, the TV is always O n. The incessant noise, explosion of flickering pictures, soap operas, sitcoms, ticker tape “news.” We sit glued U nder the influence, under the trance. Blink. A Bigger Magic always breaks the spell. Five minutes or fifty years, we always stir, get up, go to
A nother R oom in the house. The one at the center. The room that is E mpty. Still. Quiet. Alive.
H ere, we breathe again. Standing fresh, awake in the E ternal Presence – the Awareness that has always been R eceiving every moment and E xperiencing the ecstatic fullness of sweet Nothing.
~~~~~~~ Here with love, in the center room with you, Chris 01:50:022022-04-30 13:02:58You Are Here
I like simplicity. I feel truth in it, and so alignment with how I feel that life actually works. For me, complication and overwhelm come when I try to take it all in at once. When I try to figure it out, get there, get it done, plan it or know it ALL AT ONCE. ABC gives me a sweet, bite-sized structure for my work and my expressions. It invites me to share in the feast of aliveness with you, one delicious bite at a time.
Truly, sincerely, thank you for being at the table with me! Love, Christina 18:13:082022-04-30 13:06:00ABC Insights: B is for Bite-Sized