Hi everyone! I came across these two sweet little gems, and I like to share!  Koans are amazing as a method of contemplation – very expansive.  They bring insight, humor, wonder, and inner freedom.
Stephen Mitchell (translator of spiritual texts and husband to Byron Katie) is reading excerpts from two of John Tarrant’s books. The beginning of the video is empty air time, so please forward to the time markers listed below!
22:15 – 26:30 First excerpt is read from the book The Light Inside the Dark.
26:30 – 33:30 Second (and my favorite) excerpt is read from the book Bring Me The Rhinoceros and Other Koans to Bring You Joy. I highly recommend this particular bit if you have six or seven minutes to listen!
FYI at 17:38 – Sound for the video begins, Stephen Mitchell introduces/talks a little bit about John Tarrant
Loving you all!
