I have the experience that when I’m not in my center my energy is “out there.” Diffuse. Scattered. There is the feeling that it has nothing cohesive or integrous to organize around. I’m blowing in the wind of my thoughts, other’s thoughts and influences, putting out fires and doing things in a reactive mode. I have no sense of my own presence.
When I give my attention to the core of my body, I come into direct contact with an intelligent aliveness. There is a calm truth and wide open connection and receptivity to the moment. I feel myself at my center. And I also feel the presence of a knowing. Or even an okayness with not knowing, regardless of whether or not this moment seems to need a direction, an answer or some kind of guidance.
“Okayness” is at the center. The center of the universe is at the center. It helps me so much to pause and slow down to re-feel that okayness. To re-feel the steady fact of my existence. To sense again that this is where I live.
Feeling love for you from the center of it all,