God said to me: Stop asking me to do stuff for you. Just be alive and open yourself to life. Stop acting like there’s some barrier between you and me. Between you and life. Between you and anything.
–Christina Brittain

Have you ever noticed that the body hurts more if you talk about the pain? It’s strange. It’s as if the body is actually in the process of healing, but rolls its eyes when it hears me complaining.
–Dave Fry

Use whatever word you like. God. The Universe. The Body. Life. Nature.  Source. Love. Whatever It is, It can’t be contained in a name anyway.  But we all call out to It to help us. 

It’s natural to want to ask for help. It’s natural to want to feel good. It’s natural to have suffering too. It’s even natural for us to quietly, cleverly, “spiritually” try to manipulate Life into doing it our way.  Our minds can try to be sneaky all they want, but Life keeps happening for us.

There is ALWAYS more going on in the Universe than what our minds have conjured in between our ears. 

What if Suffering Itself is actually a built-in pointer for us to call out to a Bigger Something beyond our “separate” selves? 

Maybe we just forgot to stop and notice and ask:
what IS it we are calling out to here, anyway…?

In this moment of clarity, when you lift your gaze, get out of your head and open your senses, can you feel a lightening? A loosening of the claustrophobia of “the problem?” Can you maybe even feel a wink?  A little grin maybe? Can you feel that your body, that Life, is already carrying you?

Life is has been Rolling you along with it in its exquisite movement this whole time
And maybe smiling and rolling its eyes at you a little, too…


Winking and smiling with you!