Hera Hub Art Reception and Comfort Coloring Book Debut February 26, 2016
It was fabulous! Wine, beautiful art, full size coloring page posters that everyone colored together, great conversation, and funds raised for 21 books to be donated to Rady Children’s Hospital Oncology Hematology Ward! Awesome! Thank you so much to everyone who attended and contributed to the feel-good event! Here are some pictures of me and the other two artists, Tania Rose and Cristiana Brusco, the curators, Vanessa Elle and Denise Bonaimo Saram, and Felena Hanson, the genius founder behind Hera Hub!
Hello everyone! Long time no post! I have been up to my elbows in inspirational cartoons and affirmative, poetic text to accompany them as I create my two coloring books for kids of all ages! Especially the grown-up ones!
Huge news! The first of the two books has been sent to the publisher! I honestly don’t know how long it will take before it’s available for purchase, but I am hoping that it will be available before the holidays! Many of you have let me know that you would love to purchase these as gifts, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed! I will absolutely let you know when they are available! You will be able to purchase them on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Balboa Press, which is a division of Hay House. I will keep you posted! Thank you all for your amazing love and support since the very beginning stages of creating the books! It has meant so much to me to have your encouragement!
Enjoy the fall, and maybe I will see you at the Abraham gathering the 1st Saturday in October (information below). As for me, back to my labor of love so that The Lighten Your Vibe Coloring Book has a chance of reaching you by the holidays as well!
Huge hugs and appreciation to you all!
In the last 8 months I have learned a lot about productivity that is fueled by conductivity! For me, being conductive means being open to receiving. Receiving inspirations, inner or larger timetables, feelings, rhythms, energies, and Bigger Guidance. I know that I’m a conduit for the coloring books – they arrived to me and are coming through me. And yet they are also bringing radical shift for me. These books are change bringers! I signed on with the publisher in August 2014, and by early November my whole system crashed – I had an assortment of physical issues that brought all production on the books to a complete halt!! In the time since then, I have been on a journey that has been magical, powerful, has kicked me in the ass and simultaneously uplifted and overhauled my whole being! I have experienced a radical reboot! I’m still experiencing it!! The process has really caused me to embody each of the affirmations and positive messages in the coloring books. A fun FYI – one whole room of my house is dedicated to the images in the books, and I have put all of those images up on the wall. It is my own personal Oracle! Whenever I have needed guidance, help or reminders, I go into that room. I close my eyes, ask my question, let my finger point and follow it. I open my eyes to see what my finger landed on – and there is my message! PS, what a great idea! You can turn any Oracle deck into your Oracle room!
So many dear friends have been going through their own shifts. I’m in awe to see that because it’s obvious that we are all being carried by some larger movement. And yet paradoxically the Macrocosmic Larger Process is able to happen through the microcosm of the particular details of our individual lives. I’ll share with you that in a recent meditation, and Angel figure came up to me and bowed at my feet. He/she said “We are in awe of you. We are the song. But you are the instrument and the player.” Congratulations to us all for being such magnificent conduits, vessels, instruments and players. The universe is Awe–some and it is a wild privilege to be alive!!!The coloring books are on the move (down the birth canal) again. I’ve hired a doula of sorts and we are confident that the books will be delivered to the publisher in September. They in turn will deliver them into your arms in December! So heads up and hallelujah!! The Lighten Your Vibe Coloring Book, and The Comfort Coloring Book are coming! I adore these books and I’m so excited to share them with you! Thank you all who have sent such encouraging, loving emails along the way! It has meant so much to me and “the babies.” Of course, I know I am their baby, their Angel project too. I’ll never be the same! And I know the books themselves are very different now than if I had pushed them out months ago. You know, back when I was trying to produce them rather than be conducive for them!
Right now I’m being asked to clear space to work on the books over the summer. That means I’ll only be seeing clients via phone and I won’t be teaching classes. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, I look forward to our phone time! And I hope you’ll join in for my last scheduled classes – What Would Abraham Say, and Staying in Joy. Abraham is on Saturday, July 11 at 10 AM and Joy is on Monday, July 13 at 6:30 PM. I’d love to see you!
I’ll keep you posted on the books and fall events! Thank you all for sharing in this amazing ride called Life! We’re all in this together!Huge love and appreciation!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.
Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer.
- Donec posuere vulputate arcu.
- Phasellus accumsan cursus velit.
- Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
- Sed aliquam, nisi quis porttitor congue
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.
- Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
- Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.
- In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.
- Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.
Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.
Well, we all make mistakes. One of my most recent, spectacularly silly examples was that I ignored my screaming elbow. As in, pain in my right elbow every time I am on the computer – and especially while I am editing my doodles in Photoshop. Watch out for over-editing your doodles. I’m jus’ sayin.’
Also, watch out for the seduction of “getting stuff done” to the point of ignoring your body. Okay, maybe better just to go straight to listening to your body.
I know, some of you who are my clients are probably saying something like “What the F@!#, Chris?! Aren’t you like, always telling us to listen to the wisdom of our bodies? I want my freakin’ session fees back!”
Well, I’m making it up to you by clearly and colorfully illustrating how ignoring the messages of your body leads to no good! I’m suffering for you, folks! (No, not really. I’m suffering because I ignored my elbow, which started saying “ow” very softly several months ago. I ignored it and forced it to gradually kick the message up to: “HELLO?! OUCH!! Ouchey ouch-ness!! And while I have your attention, stop being such an anal-retentive perfectionist on Photoshop editing your sweet doodles to death and totally getting away from the whole POINT of the doodles, lady!”
Yeah, I’m definitely suffering because of THAT, not because I am bravely making myself into a clear example of what you all SHOULDN’T do. (Though if you’re smart you’ll take advantage of that option for yourselves too).
So here I am, typing with a wrist brace on, with an ouch-ey elbow. Geez.
The very good news is that though my elbow had to really hurt, it DID get my attention. And it really helped me reorient to my true intention with these inspirational cartoons -these fun images and words that have become such a huge, wonderful part of my life.
See, on Friday I actually signed on with Balboa Press to have their expert help as I self-publish 2 inspirational coloring books. Which is AWESOME! Yet over the last months, as I was coming up to that moment of signing on, I gradually and almost imperceptibly got more perfectionistic. Part of me got more uptight as it dawned on me that I would be sharing the doodles with so many people. My self-critical inner monster has gradually been overtaking my body! (Except for my elbow, which is bravely fighting off the attack in order to try and knock some sense back into me.)
I started getting caught up in “how it looks.” That fear is a pretty common one, if you’re, say, human and living in western civilization. I was forgetting the sweet reasons why I AM creating these doodles, and how much I believe in what they offer to you all. Well, and to me of course – especially if I stay true to the inspiration that is birthing them.
These drawings are accessible and inviting because they are not perfect. Their simpleness and innocence deliver their messages purely. No fancy wording, and no intimidating, high-skill rendering of images. We can embrace these simple, squishy figures and their unsophisticated matter-of-factness. We can see they have nothing to hide. They just want us to hug them and spend time with them, and for heaven’s sake get the message already that we are awesome. We are. And the doodles are. And nobody has to try. We can color outside the lines, make the figures purple or plaid if we want to, or we can even not color at all and just let these sweet little angels BE in our presence. These doodles have so much going on, and so much to offer in terms of upliftment and healing – whole bunches of which I’ll save for another blog. But still, these doodles – and I – and you – totally derail our original intentions, inspirations and life force when we try to get too perfect!
When I was 12, Jackie Valdez, local tarot, psychic and spiritual teacher extraordinaire, told me “perfection is boring.” That got my attention, since at twelve I had already been seriously uptight and self-critical for years. Jackie went on to say that being perfect or getting it “perfect” implied that there was some end-goal, and that there is some consensus about what this “perfect” state looked like. She said that basically means that when you get to perfect you are done – there is nothing else to strive for. Perfect is a totally static place. When I realized she was right, and that perfection ultimately IS boring, well, that felt good. I could relax a little. Perfection is boring – that was all the medicine I needed just then. But Jackie had more to say. And just in case there is juju in this second part for you all, Jackie also said that instead of perfection, excellence is a much more active, helpful idea to reach for. The idea or feeling of excellence is something you can always lean towards. There’s life force in that. Perfection, on the other hand, is basically boring and a dead end.
So my elbow, in a very round-about way, told me to stop nitpicking, have more fun, relax, trust the process, trust the muses that are delivering the doodles to me, and for God’s sake stop spending so much time on the computer! So I made an intentionally imperfect doodle for this week! And this blog is another experiment in not taking things so seriously. I had fun lightening up. And I am winking at my friend Sandy who, after my last post that included the story of “Badass Kisser,” told me it was so refreshing to see me step out my usual posts that are usually so “peace and love, man.” Thanks Sandy. You always show up in time to give me a gentle kick in the butt, heart, or in this case add additional oomph to my elbow!
So, my friends. Is there anywhere YOU can drop some perfectionism? Or, better yet, any body part or niggling feeling that’s been asking you out for coffee for a while? I bet there is. It doesn’t have to be coffee. Sit on your meditation cushion. Write in your journal. Talk out loud to yourself in the mirror. Make some art. Find some way to give your own intuition and knowing some air time. Me and my elbow really recommend it.
to see more fun stuff, please visit me on Facebook at:
Love travels well. And so does Beauty and Thanks! Literally. I brought them home with me from Puerto Rico last month! When I was there I met a sweet artist who created simple, whimsical signs on scraps of wood. She had created all kinds of words! But “love,” “beauty,” and “thanks” just called to me to take home. They were the perfect souvenirs! They also inspired me to make a “doodle” out of them. So here’s the doodle and below is a picture of the signs themselves. Love. Beauty. Thanks. Three words I adore and invite to just keep expanding in my life!
BTW, thought I would let you know that my friend bought some other word signs! They were so cute that if she didn’t, I was going to! So I am glad someone did! She bought “badass” and “kisser.” Which are fun alone, but extra extra fun if you put them together. We both giggled for a couple days – and still are – at the idea that she is a “badass kisser!” And also, that she’s a “bad ass-kisser.” In my opinion, both of those are pretty good things to be!
And just so you can enjoy it with us, here are the “badass” and “kisser” signs – placed together for the amusement of us all!
Also just fyi, you can actually email this artist a list of words you want her to create, and she’ll mail them to you! Find out about this awesome lady at:
I just got back from my trip to visit a friend in Vieques, Puerto Rico. It was amazing! Yet at the same time, I had a chance to flex my “trust muscles” on the trip back. Short version: because of the way my flights were set up, and because of customs, airline regulations about what boarding passes were allowed to be printed and when, (etc.), it was looking like I might miss connecting flights. It also looked promising for some mad dashing through airports and some possible difficulty in getting passes, and hopefully not but possibly some missed flights. Nothing tragic, of course. I knew it would all work out – but how SMOOTHLY and how BY-THE-HAIR-OF-MY-CHINNY-CHIN-CHIN I was unsure. I realized this the day before. I did what I could and called the airlines to get some information. But other than that, there didn’t seem to be much action I could take, except to show up at the airport the next day and see what adventures my day might hold!
Well, the, other, super helpful action I took was to consciously TRUST. The truth was I felt nervous, but I had a lot of compassion for myself about it, and I didn’t try to convince myself to NOT be nervous. Instead, I just said to myself:
“Well, okay. I’m nervous. That’s okay. I am where I am. All good. But I ALSO truly believe that the Universe is loving me. I truly believe that whenever possible The Divine will shower me with love and take care of me. And I truly believe that everything really does always work out in my favor, no matter how it might appear in any given moment.”
I reminded myself that I have faith that I live in a loving Universe, handed my trip over to a Higher Mind and Heart, and let it go. I enjoyed the rest of my day with my friend and the next morning I went to the airport.
I tell you what – I have never had a smoother, easier trip. In the first TWO MINUTES of being at the local airport, every single item that had been a potential “problem” with my flights home were all completely taken care of. In fact, that is what the nice man said as I checked in at the tiny airline ticket counter in Vieques. When I expressed that I’d been worried about some stuff, he said “Oh no ma’am! Don’t worry. We’re taking good care of you!” And they did. All the way home!
I met nice people. I passed the fastest, most pleasant 10 hours ever. Everything was as smooth and pleasant as chocolate mousse! Even my super-sweet-ex-husband-but-he’s-family-forever met me at the airport in San Diego by standing at the bottom of the escalators with a printed sign that said “Chris Brittain.” Like he was a chauffer sent to pick me up. Which, well, he was.
I realize that my trip as an example of practicing trust wasn’t the most challenging one me or any of us have ever faced. Still, it was a chance to practice trusting that the Universe really is friendly, loving, and smoothing our way. And it was a fun example for me to put out there to you all, some of whom have expressed to me some bigger stuff in your lives that is asking you to flex your trust muscles. So here you have one story of how handing it over to the Divine can help us get out of the way. And how we really can get out of the way and let reality unfold delightfully for us, as it naturally wants to.
And to end, here is that fabulous quote from the amazing Albert Einstein. That guy was pretty dang smart and tuned in. Maybe this quote will help you all trust even more, my friends:
“I think the most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves.
“For if we decide that the universe is an unfriendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to achieve safety and power by creating bigger walls to keep out the unfriendliness and bigger weapons to destroy all that which is unfriendly and I believe that we are getting to a place where technology is powerful enough that we may either completely isolate or destroy ourselves as well in this process.
“If we decide that the universe is neither friendly nor unfriendly and that God is essentially ‘playing dice with the universe’, then we are simply victims to the random toss of the dice and our lives have no real purpose or meaning.
“But if we decide that the universe is a friendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to create tools and models for understanding that universe. Because power and safety will come through understanding its workings and its motives.”
“God does not play dice with the universe,”
–Albert Einstein
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.
Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

There are a lot of us standing in the unknown right now. Many of my friends and clients are experiencing all kinds of limbo. Some lost jobs, are looking to find or change jobs, just got out of relationships, just moved, feel like they’re in impermanent living situations, are between homes, or have inner and/or physical quandaries yet to be resolved. Not to mention all the changes in relationships, beliefs systems, and paradigms! In the end, all of those things are GOOD.
I encourage you to cut yourself some slack if you are experiencing big changes and maybe feeling a little freaked out, unsure, and in need of some comfort. Please be kind to yourself! The changes you are going through really ARE wonderful! But sometimes change can feel a little unsettling. Take your time. And remember that it’s human nature to want to know what is going on. It feels safer to the animal body to have everything all pinned down, planned out and “known.” So snuggle in when you need to, even as you move forward into the Unknown.
But, you gorgeous beings of Light, it is also in the human, Divine nature to want to explore, be curious, and be adventurous. We can see evidence of that in everything from our nomadic beginnings, to early world explorers, to the pioneers, to technological innovators of every era, all the way to Captain Kirk boldly going where no one has gone before!
The things is, we get to choose to embrace and care for either – or both – sides of our human nature. And we get to choose how we view the changes and events in our lives. As Abraham-Hicks said in a workshop I attended yesterday, “We are in control of how we perceive life.” And it is that perception that makes our reality.
As I myself have moved through the many unknowns in the last 3 years of my life, it has VASTLY helped me to perceive (and feel into) the loving nature or Existence. I choose to focus on the reality that I am not alone. I am safe, held, watched over, guided and cared for by The Something Bigger. I can jump all I want into the void, because the void is not empty – the Void is Love. The Void is Loving. And I have been awed over and over at what rises out of the Void to meet me. A beautiful new home in perfect timing, amazing new friends, wonderful new clients, astounding inner developments and realizations, and signs that seem meant for even me get spray painted on the sidewalk , for God’s sake. For my sake! I am learning more and more to LOOK for the signs of the Loving Universe. To the best of my Highest understanding, Existence is showering us with invisible AND visible signs of support and guidance.
I got a miraculous phone call last week from a dear friend of my Mom’s. I haven’t spoken to Marjorie for easily over 20 years, I’m sure. But during a week that I was doing a lot of inner house cleaning about my family relationships, Marjorie was inspired to call me. We had a totally loving, expanding, WOW-ing conversation! She was an angel, telling me about how much my Mom loved me and was proud of me. It was fabulously, powerfully healing for me to hear what my Mom had proudly expressed to her friend before she died. Out of the Mystery and Void, seemingly out of the blue, the Unknown suddenly delivered some communication through Marjorie from Mom. And so that helped me clear up some unhelpful beliefs about my relationship with my Mom too, even though she’s “gone.” What’s more is that Marjorie told me that I’ve actually been on her mind for 2 years!
I’m saying that Marjorie not only popped out of the previously unknown and delivered a message from my Mom, but that she has been in “the void” loving me for 2 years. Seriously, folks. The Void isn’t empty. It’s full of possibility! And full of opportunity looking for its right timing for you. The unknown is loving, and however it shows itself to you, there are a billion more ways it keeps quietly invisible. Well, invisible as, say, the stars, your cells, the deliciousness of food…… But it’s also alive and real in even more vast and loving paradigms that we may never know about from our current human vantage point.
You might be facing some unknown components in your life, but the “empty space” in front of you is loving you – and is filled with magic about to happen. You can choose to count it or not, but for starters, I’m part of your “void” and I’m loving you. <3
Happy journeying within the Loving Mystery, my friends. Keep your eyes open for the Love.
Christina Brittain