I work with the feeling side of the situation.  The energy.  The vibe.  The huge information that is available when we look deeper than the words or story.  Looking through the lens of energy shows us the motivation behind your thinking and actions.  So we can see what kinds of false, unhelpful rules your mind has made up about what to do, how to be, how you think others and the world should be……We look at the feeling of the energy. Which also shows you that YOU are energy that is MUCH bigger than any thought.  When you become aware of that, the feeling takes care of all the doing.  It softens any need for “rules” about how to be in the world.  The massive pressure you were applying to enforce those false rules is released.  Relief. Freedom. Choices. Peace. All those come into focus and you realize they were here all along. 

If you’d like to see behind the curtain and open things up for yourself, I hope you’ll allow me to help.  We’ll talk, yes. And I think more importantly, we’ll feel into things together.
Much love,