I. A.M. W.A.Y. B.I.G.G.E.R. T.H.A.N. A.N.Y. T.H.O.U.G.H.T., I.D.E.A. O.R. S.T.O.R.Y.
I t’s impossible to contain you!
A nyway, who do you think you are?!
M ore than you think, that is for certain. Look at yourself with
W onder and
A mazement! What you think
Y ou are is only a fraction of what you can perceive. You are
B eyond all
I maginable
G ood. You are
G reater, larger than anything and
E verything you’ve ever
R ealized about yourself. The
T ruth is that
H owever you’ve conceived yourself to be, you are as vast as
A wareness Itself. And there is
No one thought that can define or explain the
A ll-encompassing consciousness that lives as you right
N ow.
Yes, you. Me. All
T hings
H ave more to them than any
O ne idea. There is more to all of us than we can
U nderstand
G iven our single viewpoint as a
H uman that can register only the
T iniest fraction of what exists, what is possible – even in ourselves. Yes, we, YOU are
I nimitable! The truth of you is far-greater than the mind can fathom, yet your unique, HUGE
D esign is
E xquisitely YOU! It’s just that “you” are far bigger than your brain can
A llow. So, maybe feel into the
O pen, unknowable
R eality of your own
S ublime Presence. Lean in and
T ouch that simultaneous
O neness and the individual you that It expresses. And in that loosening of surety,
R elax into, ease everywhere into, the reality of
Y ou that is so, so, SO much bigger than any thought, idea or story ever could be.
With love from the biggness of me to the biggness of you,