(With the Option of Process Art Making)

It helps so much when we can get out of our heads. Otherwise, we wind up in a trance, stuck in a world of the same-same thoughts in between our ears.  It can seem so real.  As if that closed system is actually fact.  So easy to obsess on “the problem.” 

In the past I’ve been super scared that I won’t ever be able to solve or figure out the problem. I think part of me felt that if I stopped obsessing it would get worse.  We think the worry is what is keeping the problem in check. Or we get scared that there really isn’t any way out of the problem, ever.  So we don’t even dare to really look at the possibility of not being consumed by it. 

I didn’t know it was an option to put “the problem” down.  Or at least see it from a new angle.  You know the story of the tar baby…?  The more I engaged with the thoughts, looked at the thoughts, and wrestled with the thoughts, the more stuck on the thoughts I got. 

Life can be easier. It can feel better, more spacious and more possible.  Having a coach really helps to move out of that sticky anxiety and into spacious ease. It’s just straight up helpful to have a partner to reflect back to you. A good listener who sees clearly can offer a new perspective that makes almost literally a world of difference.  I hope you’ll come see me if you’re feeling stuck or scared or just want to feel better, more easeful.  

Oh, and simple “art” is an option as a tool in our sessions. Art is such an easy, immediate way to get out of your head.  It helps us to let go of the same-same, obsessive thinking and learn to feel for and follow something that feels more alive and spacious. 

It also let’s us talk about energy, patterns and the transient nature of emotions, thoughts and perspectives.  I have several folks that are enjoying art as a tool even in zoom sessions.  I just wanted to make sure you know that using art as a doorway is available as an option.  Crayons on paper, writing, gentle moving of the body, etc – some or all of that can always be included in our conversations if that appeals.  

If you or someone you know could use a helper to see clear of some anxiety, worry, problem-fixation, fear, self-doubt or anything you or they are struggling and suffering through, I would love to help.  If you’re not sure, please give me a call and I’m happy to answer your questions.

Lastly, I just want to say that my work, these conversations I have with you, bring me truly immense joy!  There is no way I could NOT be doing this work.  I delight in the expansion with you.  I hope you’ll come play in the spaciousness and love with me.

I love you and I love life so much,