Love beauty thanks_color_medium 2

Love travels well. And so does Beauty and Thanks! Literally.  I brought them home with me from Puerto Rico last month!  When I was there I met a sweet artist who created simple, whimsical signs on scraps of wood.  She had created all kinds of words!  But “love,” “beauty,” and “thanks” just called to me to take home.  They were the perfect souvenirs!  They also inspired me to make a “doodle” out of them. So here’s the doodle and below is a picture of the signs themselves.   Love. Beauty. Thanks.  Three words I adore and invite to just keep expanding in my life!

BTW, thought I would let you know that my friend bought some other word signs!  They were so cute that if she didn’t, I was going to!  So I am glad someone did!  She bought “badass” and “kisser.”  Which are fun alone, but extra extra fun if you put them together. We both giggled for a couple days – and still are – at the idea that she is a “badass kisser!”  And also, that she’s a “bad ass-kisser.” In my opinion, both of those are pretty good things to be!

And just so you can enjoy it with us, here are the “badass” and “kisser” signs – placed together for the amusement of us all!

Also just fyi, you can actually email this artist a list of words you want her to create, and she’ll mail them to you!  Find out about this awesome lady at:

For more fun images, videos and doodles, please visit me on Facebook: