I. H.A.V.E. A.L.W.A.Y.S. B.E.E.N. E.N.O.U.G.H.

I rreplaceable me. I am
H ere.
A live in the way that only I can be. Life
V iews Itself,
E xperiences Itself as it can only through my unique
A wareness.  My affinity for the things I
L ove. The particular curiosities I
W onder about. The
A ffirmation of Life that my own sweet voice of
“Y es!” Brings to the
S inging Presence behind all
B eing.
E xistence isn’t
E verything without me. Or without you. 
N othing is
E xtraneous. Anyone or anything is no more or less miraculous.
N ow, as I am, I am
O ne of the indispensable notes of the
U nlimited Melody.  We are the Intelligent, Eternal Music.
G orgeous, whole, full and enough in our parts. We are the inextricable
H armonies of the One Song of Light.

So much love and reverence for all of our unique, beautiful voices,