Here’s today’s inspirational affirmation: Don’t Wait to be happy!! I hope you enjoy it! This comes from my Lighten Your Vibe Coloring Book. You can find it here:The Lighten Your Vibe Coloring Book on Amazon
***Be happy now!***
You may not have heard yet
but happiness is free!
It’s available now
and you don’t have to pay for it!
No need to achieve anything first
wait for someone to give it to you
or earn it in any way.
Ta da!
No waiting!
All yours!
Be happy now
and because all the nows turn into your life
you’re guaranteed a happily ever after.
Pass it on!
All Is Well,
Christina Brittain
PS. Please Share If You Enjoyed This 😃


Here’s today’s inspirational affirmation: Don’t Wait to be happy!! I hope you enjoy it! This comes from my Lighten Your Vibe Coloring Book. You can find it here:The Lighten Your Vibe Coloring Book on Amazon
***Be happy now!***
You may not have heard yet
but happiness is free!
It’s available now
and you don’t have to pay for it!
No need to achieve anything first
wait for someone to give it to you
or earn it in any way.
Ta da!
No waiting!
All yours!
Be happy now
and because all the nows turn into your life
you’re guaranteed a happily ever after.
Pass it on!
All Is Well,
Christina Brittain
PS. Please Share If You Enjoyed This 😃


Here’s today’s inspirational affirmation: Chill out! I hope you enjoy it! This comes from my Lighten Your Vibe Coloring Book. You can find it here:The Lighten Your Vibe Coloring Book on Amazon
***Chill out!***
What if there’s actually nothing to figure out?
What if the “problem” is something you’re making up in your head?
Time always makes it clear if any action is needed.
And time usually dissolves most problems anyway.
Let all the answers come in their own time –
and they always do
when we get back to enjoying
and chill out!
All Is Well,
Christina Brittain
PS. Please Share If You Enjoyed This 😃


Here’s today’s inspirational affirmation:  Joy is the point! I hope you enjoy it! This comes from my Lighten Your Vibe Coloring Book. You can find it here: The Lighten Your Vibe Coloring Book on Amazon
***Joy is the point!***
Of course you want to enjoy your life!
You just keep forgetting to!
Here’s your reminder:
Joy is still right here, right now!
Get back into the habit
of happily discovering everything!
The thrill of a swing set.
A dandelion. Grass. Stars.
Laughter and squeals of delight
are coming from your own heart
and have been all along!
You ARE joy.
Life is shining.
Turn your wild child face up to the sun
and grin, grin, grin again!​
All Is Well,
Christina Brittain
PS. Please Share If You Enjoyed This 😃


Here’s today’s inspirational affirmation:  I trust!  I hope you enjoy it! This comes from my Comfort Coloring Book.  You can find it here: The Comfort Coloring Book on Amazon
Trust your heart
because it really does know.
Trust your body
because it really is your friend.
Trust life
because it really does love you.
All Is Well,
Christina Brittain
PS. Please Share If You Enjoyed This 😃


Here’s today’s inspirational affirmation:  Relax, Breathe, Let It Unfold….  I hope you enjoy it! This comes from my Comfort Coloring Book.  You can find it here: The Comfort Coloring Book on Amazon
***Relax ***
There is no pushing the river
or forcing the seed to grow.
There is a perfect order that takes care of itself –
guiding the acorn into the oak.
There is no rushing the vast, beautiful movement of the Universe
or the magnificent unfolding of You.
All Is Well,
Christina Brittain
PS. Please Share If You Enjoyed This 😃


Here’s today’s inspirational affirmation: You Are Awesome with Christina Brittain: Be Who You Are. I hope you enjoy it! This comes from my Comfort Coloring Book. Which includes suggestions on how to color like: Color this book alone as a powerful meditation on the awesomeness of being alive! Color the book with friends as an instantly uplifting party! Or color with your children and family to share positive messages about yourself, each other, and all the blessings in your life! Crayons in hand, dive into these pages for a colorful celebration of who you are and this extraordinary life! You can find it here:…
***Be who you are***
You are a completely unique creature
with your own care and feeding
and your own ways of being –
that are awesome!
No one could be you even if they tried!
And if you tried to be somebody else
the world would be denied
the particular
special wonderfulness of You!
Be You on purpose with wholehearted celebration –
just like you intended all along!
All Is Well,
Christina Brittain

Here’s today’s inspirational affirmation: You Are Awesome with Christina Brittain: What Makes You Feel Alive?. I hope you enjoy it! This comes from my Lighten Your Vibe Coloring Book. Which includes suggestions on how to color like: Color this book alone as a powerful meditation on the awesomeness of being alive! Color the book with friends as an instantly uplifting party! Or color with your children and family to share positive messages about yourself, each other, and all the blessings in your life! Crayons in hand, dive into these pages for a colorful celebration of who you are and this extraordinary life! You can find it here:…
***What makes you feel alive?***
Wake up!
You’re alive!
You get to go and do and be and feel
all the things that light you up
and open your heart.
the magnificent thrill of Life!
Every rich emotion and sensation is here for you.
And you are here to be alive as only you can.
What makes YOU celebrate your own aliveness?
Do more of that!!
All Is Well,
Christina Brittain