There’s no need to change myself. Or overcome my conditioning. It’s all been perfect. The behaviors/identities I thought I was prior to this moment were not bad, wrong, false, or misguided. The “me” that The Universe has been up to this point is not inferior to the “me” that is emerging. An oak tree is not better than an acorn. A butterfly is not better than a caterpillar. The soil that a paper cup (or mountain) disintegrates into is not better than the paper cup or mountain. Neither is the paper cup or mountain better. It’s all the dance of Existence. Unfolding, moving, reveling in itself. And none of these things needs to TRY to transform. They are carried, moved in the natural wave of Life. The Divine. I do not have to try to be different, to be “more of my true self,”or to try change in any way. I am being lived, and the inner and outer forms are changing as Love revels in itself and dances for its own exaltation of Existence. It just helps if I notice what is happening and what is actually here, now, in this fresh moment. It helps if I notice that I am a tree, rather than an acorn feeling the natural pressures and movements to become one. It helps if I notice I have wings.

A view from the other side. 😉