This one has such a sweet melody! It is set to the tune of a sanskrit devotional song – a mantra set to music so folks can sing it together. I sing the words I superimposed onto the song for my own uses and delight. Then I tell you what the original sanskrit words are and what they mean. I had no idea what “hare,” “rama” and “krishna” meant and I sure loved the translations I found for them! You’ll love it! Thank you for watching! If it delights you, please subscribe to my channel so you get the heads up when I post more little love note videos for you! Christina Brittain: Coaching, classes, and coloring Books to help you trust your body, yourself and Life! 619-838-5378

I give up. I give up trying to figure out the rules.  I give up trying to figure out what is “true.”  Which philosophy, which spiritual approach, which technique is “best?”  Which one will tell me THE way things work and what are the clear rules to follow that are “right?”  I give up.  I’m sick (literally) of having an inner state of frantic reaching for something “out there” that is going to make me safe.  I give up trying to know, trying to be right, trying to be “spiritual,” be “enlightened,” and even trying to be loved. 
I know that Life IS.  I know that Life is unstoppable. Life exists, and has an intelligence about it and it is LIFE that has given rise to all of it. ALL of it. All the expressions, all the possibilities. Human life is one blip in infinity, no matter how long we are present as a species. Life has been, life will be, always, eternally. Rolling on and on and on.  As galaxies, universes, INFINITE life forms, infinite ideas expressing.  Creation is bottomless, endless, the ceaseless fountain of expression.
I can’t know from my tiny blip of Christina what “the one right Truth” is.  There is none. Every moment gives rise to a new way of doing things that is appropriate for each new creation arising.  The “right” way of doing things depends on each life form, each moment of that life form, the needs and desires of that life form.  Creation can’t be stopped in its curious expansion, evolution, and CHANGE. 
I can’t know what The One Truth is, or even what Existence is and how it works.  I can’t know what my “purpose” is, or what I “should” be doing. 
What I CAN do is FEEL the Living Flood of Life that I am.
What I can do is feel the Living Flood of Life that I am.  I can feel that aliveness in me, as me. I can open myself to it and feel what is calling through me.  I give up reaching outside of myself for an intellectual answer, and I return to the home of Life inside me.  I feel my beingness.  I feel the alive, aware Life that animates all things. It has taken care of its Expression and Existence always. It can certainly live me perfectly too.  I can rest in that.  I can allow myself to give up the trying and BE. In that, I can feel in my body that I am intrinsically rooted, connected to All Life.  I am more than fed by it.  From most angles, and from a gut-sensing standpoint, I am indistinguishable from the Infinite Ocean Itself. 
Except I am also the miraculously unique form that Life has birthed along with all its infinite other unique creations.  Life has given rise to this totally inimitable, incomparable “me.”  I trust the Life that manages all things to “manage” me too.  I trust the Life that moves through me to call itself to the next action, next idea, next word……
And I can FEEL that call. As a relaxing, an opening, an ease in every moment. Even moments when I feel like having an angry tirade!  There is an ease in letting it be what it is without trying to fight it and make myself be something else.
So I give up. I surrender to the changing “rightness” of each moment. I let myself be and give up the idea that I need to improve or fix myself to be somehow better than Life has given rise to me. 
More and more of the classes I offer are centered in this trust in the aliveness. This trust in our ability to FEEL that life and align with it, allowing ourselves ease. Allowing ourselves to celebrate ourselves just as we are and free ourselves to relax and expand in natural directions.  We can feel our uniqueness and stop fighting it, letting the genius that we each are flow unhindered by our interference in trying to be good or right. 
The practices, thoughts, philosophies, and techniques I share in sessions and classes all serve that center of FEELING, trusting and aligning with that naturalness of what we are.  I hope you’ll join in for this next class I have scheduled on exploring the living truth that you are, and letting go of figuring out what “THE” truth is and what the rules of that truth are. It is my ongoing joy to spend time with you in this freeing, smile-inducing conversation about celebrating exactly what we are, in every changing moment!