When you are hopeful, you are open to possibility.  Which means you are open to the whole universe.  Because that is what the universe is – the living play and expression of unlimited potential.

When you have hope, you’re aware that somehow, “impossible,” wondrous things can – and do – happen.  Even though from your current vantage point you might not be able to see HOW it will happen. 

“At the end of the day, possibility is all there is.” – Scott Kelly

We are whole and enough, always. It’s built right in: all the love, resources and direct connection to Life’s guidance we will ever need. When we know that, we are able to give without fear.  We can give to give, rather than give to GET something.  No matter what our minds might tell us, we never truly lack anything.  We are free to give what we know overflows in us, expressing all the love that we naturally ARE.
“Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.”
 —  Hafiz 

F.I.R.S.T., S.L.O.W. D.O.W.N.
F ast! Furious! Hurriest! Get ‘er done!

I nstantly, we are not here as we
R ace to the next thing and lose
S ight of
T his  –  moment  –  of  –   life  –   happening  –   now.
S o simple. Exhale. Sigh.
L et the  body relax and
O pen to the unhurried
W isdom
D eep within itself.  Pause. Breathe. Re-
O rient to that ever-present
W ellbeing. There’s
N ever truly any rush. Eternity unfolds Itself on its own, perfect timing
                                    One flower, one cloud and one YOU at a time.

I. D.o.n.’t. H.a.v.e. T.o. B.e.l.i.e.v.e.
W.h.a.t. M.y. M.i.n.d. I.s. T.e.l.l.i.n.g. M.e!

I nherent in all of us is a knowing. A
D ivine factualness –
O bvious when we still ourselves in the
N ameless, wordless
T ruth we can feel in our bodies, our
H earts. How worthy of
A we that we are able to feel the
V itality of Truth!! A gift that we can
E nter it simply by turning toward it, feeling for
T hat relief, the relaxation and
O pening that happens in our
B odies.  Suddenly able to
E xhale, we are back in touch with
L iving
I ntelligent
E nergy. There quietly appears a
V oid. A silence where the
E ndless demands of the mind become a
W hirlwind we can now see as
H ollow.  Our world of panic that seemed
A bsolutely solid and irrefutable
T urns to smoke. But just a
M oment ago, we thought there was no other way. Our minds
Y ell!  They press us for action NOW!! 


M inds don’t have muscles.  They can
I nsist louder and LOUder and LOUDER, but they can
N ever actually make us
D O anything.  Feeling out of control, we’ve only been acting from mistaken
I dentity. We
S ee, feel and hear the incessant voice in our heads
T hinking it’s us speaking.  It’s not.  What if
E verything we think is a confused, protective mind, imagining our
L ives are in danger if someone doesn’t call us back, we make a mistake, we don’t
L ook how we “should,” we do or don’t eat, drink or buy THAT THING! What if that
I magining was never real.  And what if we’ve been acting on it
N ot realizing we didn’t have to?  What if we have a choice to act or not, and the bodiless energy of a single thought can’t make us do a single, ding dang thing?


G o back to the knowing inside.  To the still place of Truth we can feel.  We can
M ove or not move from there: There, where
E verything is possible, none of it is required and Infinite Safety is in our very bones.

Knowing freedom from the living energy of my bones right now!