One day, during a time when I was waiting for my divorce to be finalized, I happened to be doing yoga and listening to an online radio interview. Wayne Dyer was being interviewed, and right at the beginning of the talk, they mentioned that Wayne would be doing a Divine Love seminar in Maui in January 2014. Now, I had never been a Wayne Dyer follower, and wasn’t looking for a vacation. But when I heard the information, I literally sat up out of my yoga pose and said out loud “I’m going.” There was just a clear and unexpected “yes” that came up in me. I knew I was going and there was no question. Within 24 hours I had booked the flight and hotel and had paid for my ticket to the seminar. I gave it VERY little thought. In fact, it was almost like I was taking a back seat and Some-Divine-Something-Else was moving me. I was in a trance of sorts. One of the only thoughts I had about it came floating easily into my mind. It said “I am taking myself on a honeymoon.” Then, except for me being pleased that I was taking myself on a honeymoon, I didn’t think about it again. Cut to me, 6+ months later being driven to the airport and having my body start to shake uncontrollably. I got nauseous, I started to cry, I was out of breath, and had a sense I was about to step past a threshold that would change everything. Yeah. I was in for something Big.
The next 7 days were probably the single most transformative week of my life. The person I was when I left California was not the same person who went to Maui a week earlier. There is really no way to use words to describe all that happened. But know that every single event, person and circumstance I encountered was clearly and obviously part of a Divine plan for me. Everything was clearly revealed as necessary to create the specific journey I was taking – including the things I thought were going “wrong” and were really twisting me up at the time. You know how sometimes things go “wrong” or you hit road blocks, and then sometimes months or years later you realize that it happened perfectly? That it actually had been a blessing and it served you? In Maui, things were happening so fast and being revealed so quickly that almost as soon as an event played itself out, the clarity came about how it was serving me. In addition, I met many Earth Angels – people who I know I went to Maui for the purpose of meeting. The entire trip was a feast of Light, Nourishment, Release, Perspective and Clarity.
I was there on my Honeymoon with Myself. And Life rose up to shower me with gifts for my body and soul – gifts that indescribably surpassed any ideas I had about what was possible. For that 7 days of miraculous convergence, it could not have been more clear that The Divine loves me. That Life adores me. That given a chance, The Universe will show itself to me as my Lover beyond Lovers. I knew that before in my head, but now my Being Understands that the Universe cares deeply for me and goes out of its way to help me. To love me. To show me openings and freedoms. Existence is lavishing me with love always.
And when I decide to love myself, there is no resistance. The Divine is given carte blanche to arrange circumstances and rendezvous that gift me beyond measure. And when I decide to love myself, I can see the gifts being laid out for me. I can accept them.
Love is everywhere. But most importantly, Love is in each of us. We are the fountain head through which the River of Love pours unimpeded. Something in me was ready – to embrace a honeymoon with myself. To claim a Divine Love seminar. To step through and into the Loving Reality that is there all the time. I lifted my own veil so I could see. And again, Life, who loves me always and completely, helped me. With gorgeous abandon, life passionately rose up to meet me. It unfurled red carpets strewn with flowers, chocolates and angels telling me at every step how utterly Beautiful I am.
You are too. You are Utterly Beautiful. Completely Astounding. And Profoundly Radiant, Strong, Gifted, Unique, Exceptional, Powerful and Amazing. Life is a Lover waiting for any opportunity to catch your attention so it can tell you that. Life is sending you constant love notes and is always laying gifts at your doorstep, hoping you will see. Hoping you will step outside and into Its Divine Embrace.
I say start with you – you are Life. You are the Lover waiting for your embrace. All Life, All Love, will flow to you from that.