E verything is
V ibration.
E xistence is alive;
R ippling,
Y awning,
E xpanding, contracting,
M oving in the ceaseless expansion of its
O neness. Never
T iring of the forms of its
I ntelligent Design. To try and
O wn any bit of that
N ever-still,
I nfinitely changing
S tream just doesn’t make sense.
W e get stuck in one flash of a moment, fearing it will last forever, as
E ternity flows on and on and on… Even if we grasp and
L atch on, the nature of Everything is to
C hange –
O pening always into new
M otion, new
E nergy thoughts!  As Infinity Itself, none of those expressions can ever
H arm us. Intense, uncomfortable, wild, ecstatic: All the
E nergies are safe. We can let the
R iver
E njoy its every whim, every creative moment, its every sacred mood.

Thank you for witnessing this mood.

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