W.H.A.T. I. P.U.T. M.Y. A.T.T.E.N.T.I.O.N. O.N. C.O.M.E.S. T.O. L.I.F.E.

W elcome
H ome to the infinite yes to choose from.  The place of
A ll
T hat
I s, offering Itself to you according to what you give
P riority to. What gets your attention?  What blooms
U nder your loving gaze, or flames under your
T errified misunderstanding?
Y our perspective changes everything. The frame of
A wareness casts each
T hing differently, depending on the
T ype of light we place it in. What if
E verything is
N eutral except for the
T one of mind
I lluminating it?  The
O bvious to you is not
N ecessarily obvious to anyone else.  If I am
O rienting to the light I wield as a searchlight?  Well, the infinite yes is transformed into unending
N o. “No, that’s not it….No, that’s not it…” Positioned as searching I
C reate everything as lost, not found. Missing. Lacking.  But holding a flashlight? That is an
O pportunity to light up
M y universe!  To reveal what is already
E ver-present and waiting for my discovery!  A marvelous tool to see the miraculous variety come to life around me!
S hining my attention
T hrought this lens of wonder, Existence rushes joyfully into my beam,
O rdering Itself into the visible,
L oving every minute of the spotlight, which celebrates what it
I lluminates!  Such awe in realizing our ability to
F lood the mystery with light and life. We can rejoice in our
E xperience as these bringers of light.

Shining my light on how much I love and appreciate you all!