Colored by Rockstar Goddess Kim Bell!

I ‘m already safe. Here. Now. I don’t have to
L eave, wandering the streets, begging to
E at scraps, selling myself for protection, pleading for a place at someone else’s
T able of wellbeing.
L ove lives right here, where safety has always been.  It is the glowing hearth
I n my home of homes, inside. I am
F ree and available to the
E nergy that powers everything. Life is safe. I let what
C omes, come in its own way, in its timing,
O ffering Itself to me. Through me. There is always the
M iracle of enough.  The illusion of
E mptiness can never be filled out there. Only here, relaxed on my natural
T hrown of presence can I receive the
O bvious truth of infinite security.
M oving, flowing, providing, cherishing, nurturing, nourishing – this is the holy,
E ternal wellspring of being home.

Leaning back with you and allowing life to come in all its wild, safe glory,