The soul is light, the mind is light and the body is light – light of different grades; it is this relation which connects man with the planets and stars.
–Hazrat Inayat Khan
Our mind closes doors. Our heart opens doors.
–Amy Johnson
Think of the old axiom, “I think, therefor I am.” It’s not true. We existed before we thought…..It would be much more true to say that “I feel, therefor I am.”
–Gabor Maté
I want to enjoy my life. And I don’t want to wait until I get to the stuff my mind says are “the good parts.” I want to enjoy all of it. I want to enjoy this whole thing about being alive as a human. To somehow let in even the most excruciatingly uncomfortable times when my mind and body are squirming to try and make it all stop. It’s a literally awesome thing to be able to feel the incredible range of experiences we get to have as humans. It’s wild and unpredictable: the moods, energies, feelings, thoughts and sensations that flow through us in a single day. It’s an unstoppable river of being alive.
But we try to stop it all the time. We try to shut it out. I just took a great little course with Amy Johnson about leaning into and saying yes to whatever shows up in that river of aliveness. It was about opening up to the possibility that whatever is arising in any given moment is just energy. It’s not good or bad. It’s just various shades of energy rolling through. We can lean into all of it and even consider that no feeling is ever a problem. As Amy said, no one ever died from a feeling. Her class explored and articulated really well and the whole idea is pretty much what the foundation of my work with people – and with myself.
I want to lean in to all of it. To welcome, say yes, try to keep my heart open and curious to every drop of experience. To every expression of energy. Because leaning in to every moment that I can means that I am leaning into Life Itself. In a weird way, I think it’s possible to enjoy even those extremely uncomfortable moments. And I want to enjoy every shade of every moment of that mysterious river of light, energy and LIFE!!!
It is a mystery that we can never know with our heads. But we can feel into it.
Hugging every moment in me, hugging every moment in you and hoping you are too.
So much love and enjoyment,