You now know
that it’s safe to feel anything.
You know you can let the intense sensation,
discomfort, “anxiety” be there
without you exploding or the world ending.
You don’t have to eat, buy, hide, 
pick a fight, people-please or beat yourself up
to make the feeling go away.
You know you can let it be there.
It’s not permanent. Somehow
the energy usually changes.
But even if it doesn’t, it doesn’t kill you.
You’re fine.
You can handle it.
It’s not the panic situation you thought it was.
You know better.

You know better.
Now that is interesting.

Who are You
that knows better?
That experiences thoughts and sensations rolling through?
Who is present and can actually feel the difference 
between those temporary energy pressures 
and this You that is lasting and true?

Who is that Presence?
Who is that Being?
What does that feel like?
What is that essence?

Energy, feelings and habit
all come and go.
Deeper than that,
who are you?
Who is in your body walking from the bedroom to the kitchen? 
Getting ready for work? 
Listening to your spouse?
Picking up the cup?  
Looking at the sky?
Who are you,
Present and seeing through your eyes,
in your way
from birth to right now – now
when you are waking up and realizing 
that there is a grand, unique You-ness that’s walking around in your body?
Turn toward that
and walk in that shining direction.

I see You.

Love, always,