By being fully here, now, we make contact with the True, Vast Being that we are. I don’t yet know how this is so, but it is undeniable. – Brother David Steindl-Rast
Life is happening now. With all Its gifts. And YOU are here now, perfect and whole as you are. By taking a breath and choosing to, we can FEEL what it is like to be fully awake and available to the miraculous being that you are. We can stop, look around in gratitude and be in awe of the mind-blowing fullness of LIFE. We can step into our center and understand that WE ARE ENOUGH and THERE IS ALWAYS ENOUGH. And feeling this rush of truth, expansiveness, BEINGNESS, we can instantly know it is SAFE to be present as who we really are.
We have all been conditioned to think that we aren’t good enough and that we and life are lacking. That we must WILL ourselves and life to be something different than what we are. But there is no lack. Once we wake up to the moment, we see the infinite, abundant Truth. That new sense of identity changes our perspective, our motivations, our thinking and our behaviors. Without effort. We NATURALLY move from the reality of LOVE and CONNECTION instead of lack.
Life continues to evolve, and we change naturally. WE are Life, and life will always grow, shift, and flow ever more open. Because the nature of Life Itself is infinitely creative and abundant. We do not have to resolve to change or “get over there” to something else that is “better.” Life is in its perfect moment now, giving rise to all the gifts of the moment, even as it naturally unfolds into another shape and expression of Love. The acorn is not “improving” itself, yet it changes and grows into an oak. The cloud of dust and gas in space naturally becomes a galaxy.
Life is love, expressing. Evolving. Dancing. We are that. Let’s all be aware of the dance, in each of its moments of beauty, NOW.
Fall Open to Natural Wellbeing
This message popped into my mind this morning: Open, relax, and let your body fall into natural alignment. Let your mind fall into alignment too. Relax, and let natural wellbeing establish itself. No intervention needed for Life to do its thing. It continues turning seeds into beautiful trees, making babies from a single fertilized egg, making galaxies from dust clouds…… Wellbeing is the natural order, and it does it without my help! You, me, we are nature. Trust in the eternal flow of life that is designed to thrive, always.
Help For Remembering To Choose Love
I first heard this turn of phrase from my dear friend Sarah. “Am I being moved by love, or am I doing this to try and GET love?” I suppose it’s another way of saying “Choose love, not fear.” Sarah’s phrasing works better for me though. To me, it immediately brings to light the motivation behind either choice. Love, or the fear that we lack it. Fear comes from feeling that we don’t have love. That we are not okay. And that we need to DO SOMETHING NOW to get okay, be safe, be loved. “Am I being moved by love?” reminds me that Love is the intelligent power behind everything. I am reminded that Love is the very starting place, the ground of Existence. It is eternal, infinite, and there is no way to be without Its presence and wellbeing. As I go through my days and the innumerable actions within it, it helps me stay oriented to love if I check my motivations with this phrase. I thought it might help you feel calmer, safer, and to dwell more easily in the truth of love too.
Love, always, for sure,
Happy Now Here!
By being fully here, now, we make contact with the True, Vast Being that we are. I don’t yet know how this is so, but it is undeniable. – Brother David Steindl-Rast
Life is happening now. With all Its gifts. And YOU are here now, perfect and whole as you are. By taking a breath and choosing to, we can FEEL what it is like to be fully awake and available to the miraculous being that you are. We can stop, look around in gratitude and be in awe of the mind-blowing fullness of LIFE. We can step into our center and understand that WE ARE ENOUGH and THERE IS ALWAYS ENOUGH. And feeling this rush of truth, expansiveness, BEINGNESS, we can instantly know it is SAFE to be present as who we really are.
We have all been conditioned to think that we aren’t good enough and that we and life are lacking. That we must WILL ourselves and life to be something different than what we are. But there is no lack. Once we wake up to the moment, we see the infinite, abundant Truth. That new sense of identity changes our perspective, our motivations, our thinking and our behaviors. Without effort. We NATURALLY move from the reality of LOVE and CONNECTION instead of lack.
Life continues to evolve, and we change naturally. WE are Life, and life will always grow, shift, and flow ever more open. Because the nature of Life Itself is infinitely creative and abundant. We do not have to resolve to change or “get over there” to something else that is “better.” Life is in its perfect moment now, giving rise to all the gifts of the moment, even as it naturally unfolds into another shape and expression of Love. The acorn is not “improving” itself, yet it changes and grows into an oak. The cloud of dust and gas in space naturally becomes a galaxy.
Life is love, expressing. Evolving. Dancing. We are that. Let’s all be aware of the dance, in each of its moments of beauty, NOW.
No Problem
Truly. I find that when I help people connect with their FULL selves, larger selves, “I AM” selves, they literally forget about their “problems.” Problem? What problem? Not from this True, Loving vantage point!
When we decide to see the goodness and wellbeing, we can receive it. And when we count it, we grow it in the world. It’s a beautiful service from the inside out. I heard this from Michael Neill at a 3 Principles retreat I went to in Malibu in February. It really landed for me. We all, at least sort of, know in our heads that Wellbeing is present no matter what. But we continue our confusion that it’s not. We ARE wellbeing. All is well, always. It really would be a shame to never realize that. I am sure everyone reading this really does know that wellbeing is the truth, no matter what circumstances may look like in any moment. If more of us stand in this reality, we make it more accessible, more real, more VISIBLE for ourselves and every other being on the planet. Imagine if we all moved, acted from here…..
Noticing Transformation
There’s no need to change myself. Or overcome my conditioning. It’s all been perfect. The behaviors/identities I thought I was prior to this moment were not bad, wrong, false, or misguided. The “me” that The Universe has been up to this point is not inferior to the “me” that is emerging. An oak tree is not better than an acorn. A butterfly is not better than a caterpillar. The soil that a paper cup (or mountain) disintegrates into is not better than the paper cup or mountain. Neither is the paper cup or mountain better. It’s all the dance of Existence. Unfolding, moving, reveling in itself. And none of these things needs to TRY to transform. They are carried, moved in the natural wave of Life. The Divine. I do not have to try to be different, to be “more of my true self,”or to try change in any way. I am being lived, and the inner and outer forms are changing as Love revels in itself and dances for its own exaltation of Existence. It just helps if I notice what is happening and what is actually here, now, in this fresh moment. It helps if I notice that I am a tree, rather than an acorn feeling the natural pressures and movements to become one. It helps if I notice I have wings.
Some tidbits. Just sayin'…..
Some tidbits. Just sayin’…..
Happy Now Here!
The more I slow down and breathe, the more I can FEEL in my body that we ARE Life itself. It’s not “over there.” We’re it. IT. Perfect as we are, right now. Complete. If we chase after our future, all the juice of this extraordinary, ordinary NOW goes by without us taking it in. Without us experiencing the fact that we ARE so alive and whole, right now in this moment. Without us realizing that we ARE the juice. It doesn’t only come later after we’ve “earned it.” And it’s not some thing or accomplishment “out there,” and always “just up ahead.” All the love and gold is sitting calmly and beautifully right here. We’re it. We, the magical, extraordinary, ordinary, messy, perfect whole expressions of LIFE that we are.
And so, We Who Are All Perfect Life Now, without changing a thing let’s celebrate! Yes, Happy New Year! But even more, I wish us all a HAPPY NOW HERE!
HUGE love, Chris
Body Wisdom The Brilliance, Power and Resilience of the Human Body by GP Walsh
Here is a direct link to the video GP posted on his own blog so you can check out his other stuff too! Worth a look!