Here’s the latest reminder song! I Am Not The Thoughts! Sung to the tune of B.I.N.G.O!
There comes a time when you can see, It’s all made of think-ing! Me! I’m not the thoughts! Me! I am just love! Me! I am the one Who watches all the think-ing!
And as the one who watches thought, I see what I am. Oh! Me! I am the Love! Me! I am the Life! Me! I am the Light That shines behind the think-ing!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Singing and playing with you! Christina Brittain! 16:30:482021-12-17 20:50:44B.I.N.G.O. Song! I Am Not My Thoughts!
Colored by the Amazing Light we call Kory Dyszkewicz!
I magining the future, I T ear myself in a thousand directions of IF. Re-imagining the past, I A nchor myself in muddy “truths.” In either direction, I L eave myself. Over and over I L ive in a a H azy fantasy of fabrication, with no A wareness of the P resent and its P eace. But here, in this moment, all my E nergy is N ow. Available. S imple – without the endless, complex details to I nvest in. N ow. Available. Simple. I sit on the T hrown of presence. Whatever it is that I am is H ere with this E xtraordinary P rivilege of witnessing miraculous movement R oll through me, as me – this unique E xpression of Infinite Life. Seated in this E xquisite place of seeing, I am truly home, held, in the N exus of formless and form, love and its celebrations. I T hrum and pulse and revel in the very aliveness of experience itself.
Thrumming with you, seeing with you, loving with you here in the present moment, 15:21:522022-04-30 13:10:05It All Happens In The Present
W.H.A.T. I. P.U.T. M.Y. A.T.T.E.N.T.I.O.N. O.N. C.O.M.E.S. T.O. L.I.F.E.
W elcome H ome to the infinite yes to choose from. The place of A ll T hat I s, offering Itself to you according to what you give P riority to. What gets your attention? What blooms U nder your loving gaze, or flames under your T errified misunderstanding? Y our perspective changes everything. The frame of A wareness casts each T hing differently, depending on the T ype of light we place it in. What if E verything is N eutral except for the T one of mind I lluminating it? The O bvious to you is not N ecessarily obvious to anyone else. If I am O rienting to the light I wield as a searchlight? Well, the infinite yes is transformed into unending N o. “No, that’s not it….No, that’s not it…” Positioned as searching I C reate everything as lost, not found. Missing. Lacking. But holding a flashlight? That is an O pportunity to light up M y universe! To reveal what is already E ver-present and waiting for my discovery! A marvelous tool to see the miraculous variety come to life around me! S hining my attention T hrought this lens of wonder, Existence rushes joyfully into my beam, O rdering Itself into the visible, L oving every minute of the spotlight, which celebrates what it I lluminates! Such awe in realizing our ability to F lood the mystery with light and life. We can rejoice in our E xperience as these bringers of light.
——————– Shining my light on how much I love and appreciate you all! Christina 16:05:092021-12-17 20:52:03What I Put My Attention On Comes To Life
I ‘m already safe. Here. Now. I don’t have to L eave, wandering the streets, begging to E at scraps, selling myself for protection, pleading for a place at someone else’s T able of wellbeing. L ove lives right here, where safety has always been. It is the glowing hearth I n my home of homes, inside. I am F ree and available to the E nergy that powers everything. Life is safe. I let what C omes, come in its own way, in its timing, O ffering Itself to me. Through me. There is always the M iracle of enough. The illusion of E mptiness can never be filled out there. Only here, relaxed on my natural T hrown of presence can I receive the O bvious truth of infinite security. M oving, flowing, providing, cherishing, nurturing, nourishing – this is the holy, E ternal wellspring of being home.
Leaning back with you and allowing life to come in all its wild, safe glory, Love, Christina 03:16:002021-12-17 20:51:10I Let Life Come To Me
E verything is V ibration. E xistence is alive; R ippling, Y awning, E xpanding, contracting, M oving in the ceaseless expansion of its O neness. Never T iring of the forms of its I ntelligent Design. To try and O wn any bit of that N ever-still, I nfinitely changing S tream just doesn’t make sense. W e get stuck in one flash of a moment, fearing it will last forever, as E ternity flows on and on and on… Even if we grasp and L atch on, the nature of Everything is to C hange – O pening always into new M otion, new E nergy thoughts! As Infinity Itself, none of those expressions can ever H arm us. Intense, uncomfortable, wild, ecstatic: All the E nergies are safe. We can let the R iver E njoy its every whim, every creative moment, its every sacred mood.
Thank you for witnessing this mood. Love, Christina 01:13:532021-12-17 20:50:56Every Emotion Is Welcome Here
Life keeps flowing on, creating. Energy keeps moving. Planets and babies come into being. Seasons, rotations, orbits. Trees fall and give life to infinite others. Thoughts come in and thoughts go out. Always, there is life. Always there is movement, change. Always there is only inclusion – everything is allowed and is there whether we allow it or not.
We can surrender to this, be carried by it and be feel the relief of it. We can know that that life energy will continue to move through us, move us, move as us. We can relax into this mysterious force behind all things that somehow renews, regenerates, recreates in its ineffable intelligence unending.
Sighing and smiling with you in love of our journey, Christina 01:25:562021-12-17 20:51:43The River of Life Keeps Flowing
Hi everyone. I shared in my last writing that something had come up recently that really rattled me. The essence of it is that there’s been a tension between two parties I know and am connected to. We’ll call them Peter and Joyce. I myself can see things that make sense to me in both Peter and Joyce’s perspectives. Peter and Joyce are talking to friends and families and getting more and more worked up about it. Their perspectives are now becoming about “the principle of the thing,” and what is “morally and ethically right.” I myself listened to both sides, felt swept up in both arguments. Caught up in the moment and fresh from a conversation with a friend, busy with my own mind’s desire to voice “my” beliefs, I called Peter to tell him Super unfortunately, I did it at a moment where things were actually starting to calm down! The action felt good for a second – having done something to relieve the internal pressure I was feeling. But then, free from the pressure for a moment, I was able to see how completely unnecessary my phone call was. I could also sense that what I said was coming from a superficial understanding and it was rushed and incomplete. My sense of the situation and any involvement I needed to make and how – all of that needed more time to settle in with me before I acted.
I can see me, Peter and Joyce have all stopped thinking it out for ourselves and gotten lost in a concept of “what’s right.” Causes become about the cause – a solid, almost tangible thing. We begin to serve The Cause (capital letters) and forget the actual circumstances of the moment and the fact that we are interacting with other human beings in this, unique moment. Focused on “the principle of the thing,” we’re blind to what actually makes sense in the particulars of here and now.
Whether it’s our thinking that is sweeping us along, the wash of popular opinion or the opinions of close family and friends, we forget to sit quietly and feel it out for ourselves. Caught up in the fervor of our minds, or group mind, we take action!!! It can feel like such a rush, or almost a feel-good, and often has a sense of relief just to have alleviated some pressure! That was certainly true in my case. The urgency of “The Cause” was fueled by my deep discomfort, and taking action seemed to offer some way to fix the thing I thought was making me uncomfortable to begin with. We, I, forget to pause. To take a moment to settle down and let calmness return. I forgot to take a moment to be alive to the actual people and to what makes sense.
We humans often want to ACT NOW! In that fevered pitch of believing that not only is there a problem (which often there isn’t, or wouldn’t be if we waited a day). We believe that our “problem” is so unbearable and the feelings are so unacceptable that we have to take some action, any action, and NOW, so that we don’t have to feel that discomfort. The discomfort is so often some form of fear. Including the fear of pain, grief, separation that we imagine will destroy us to feel.
And so we do what I did – we act before we feel it out. I can see that if I would have given myself time, I would have settled down naturally. I would have had time to just be with all the information and it would have found its way naturally, rather than needing a forced action. Instead I did take that action based on a bunch of concepts – I made a phone call to a neighbor to “make my point,” to demonstrate my “right answer, “ to “take a stand” and to tell her I disagreed with her flawed thinking. Sheesh.
The single neighbor, and the collective thinking of the group of neighbors, would likely have settled down a bit too. Whether it’s my personal thinking between my own ears, or school-of-fish thinking, all thinking settles down when we leave it alone. If we don’t stir it up by taking action, engaging in more of the same thinking or making unnecessary, righteous phone calls! Life moves on if we let it. The mind moves on to some other topic. It’s our constant poking at it, steady stream of news-stories that keep topics alive, fixation on the details with friends and families – all of that is what keeps our chokehold on a “problem” that doesn’t allow it to move naturally and find its own solution. All of those ways of holding onto a problem are in fact what often perpetuates, aggravates and even creates the suffering we experience.
Now, me beating myself up because I made the phone call and didn’t remember all that at the time – that’s just more of the same. It’s me continuing to hold onto it. I can see that it’s my mind stirring it up again, keeping “the problem” alive and keeping me in suffering about it. I’m human. We’re all human. Sometimes we see clearly and sometimes we don’t. That’s the nature of having a mind.
We all have minds that get caught up. Bu we all have hearts too. We’re all beautiful, well-meaning, ultimately loving creatures just doing the best we can. There has to be room for us to be “imperfect,” get caught up in judgements, forget to wonder about why the human in front of us is acting in ways we don’t understand. There has to be room for us to be forgetful and do stupid stuff that we regret later. We can have compassion for ourselves and our own rash acts, and for the actions of others we don’t understand. Because we can always come back to knowing that everyone is doing the best they can from whatever they can see in the moment. It helps me to know that 100% of those rash acts come from someone, or some group, being caught up in thinking that seems real. All acts of understanding, compassion and cooperation come from the unhurried, peaceful and loving place of a calm mind and heart. The calm mind and heart know that they are safe. All is well. And there is no loss in saying “oh well. Stuff happens.” The calm mind and heart can let go of its clenched grab on the apparent drama of the moment and relax back into the steady stream of life.
Oh well. Exhale. Now onto the next moment and my peaceful relationship to whatever shows up next.
Thank you for being fellow humans with me. We really are all in this together, and I’m grateful for it. So much love and appreciation to you, Christina 17:30:332021-12-17 20:50:46Being Human, "Important Causes" and Room for "Mistakes"
Hi everyone. I shared in my last writing that something had come up recently that really rattled me. The essence of it is that there’s been a tension between two parties I know and am connected to. We’ll call them Peter and Joyce. I myself can see things that make sense to me in both Peter and Joyce’s perspectives. Peter and Joyce are talking to friends and families and getting more and more worked up about it. Their perspectives are now becoming about “the principle of the thing,” and what is “morally and ethically right.” I myself listened to both sides, felt swept up in both arguments. Caught up in the moment and fresh from a conversation with a friend, busy with my own mind’s desire to voice “my” beliefs, I called Peter to tell him Super unfortunately, I did it at a moment where things were actually starting to calm down! The action felt good for a second – having done something to relieve the internal pressure I was feeling. But then, free from the pressure for a moment, I was able to see how completely unnecessary my phone call was. I could also sense that what I said was coming from a superficial understanding and it was rushed and incomplete. My sense of the situation and any involvement I needed to make and how – all of that needed more time to settle in with me before I acted.
I can see me, Peter and Joyce have all stopped thinking it out for ourselves and gotten lost in a concept of “what’s right.” Causes become about the cause – a solid, almost tangible thing. We begin to serve The Cause (capital letters) and forget the actual circumstances of the moment and the fact that we are interacting with other human beings in this, unique moment. Focused on “the principle of the thing,” we’re blind to what actually makes sense in the particulars of here and now.
Whether it’s our thinking that is sweeping us along, the wash of popular opinion or the opinions of close family and friends, we forget to sit quietly and feel it out for ourselves. Caught up in the fervor of our minds, or group mind, we take action!!! It can feel like such a rush, or almost a feel-good, and often has a sense of relief just to have alleviated some pressure! That was certainly true in my case. The urgency of “The Cause” was fueled by my deep discomfort, and taking action seemed to offer some way to fix the thing I thought was making me uncomfortable to begin with. We, I, forget to pause. To take a moment to settle down and let calmness return. I forgot to take a moment to be alive to the actual people and to what makes sense.
We humans often want to ACT NOW! In that fevered pitch of believing that not only is there a problem (which often there isn’t, or wouldn’t be if we waited a day). We believe that our “problem” is so unbearable and the feelings are so unacceptable that we have to take some action, any action, and NOW, so that we don’t have to feel that discomfort. The discomfort is so often some form of fear. Including the fear of pain, grief, separation that we imagine will destroy us to feel.
And so we do what I did – we act before we feel it out. I can see that if I would have given myself time, I would have settled down naturally. I would have had time to just be with all the information and it would have found its way naturally, rather than needing a forced action. Instead I did take that action based on a bunch of concepts – I made a phone call to a neighbor to “make my point,” to demonstrate my “right answer, “ to “take a stand” and to tell her I disagreed with her flawed thinking. Sheesh.
The single neighbor, and the collective thinking of the group of neighbors, would likely have settled down a bit too. Whether it’s my personal thinking between my own ears, or school-of-fish thinking, all thinking settles down when we leave it alone. If we don’t stir it up by taking action, engaging in more of the same thinking or making unnecessary, righteous phone calls! Life moves on if we let it. The mind moves on to some other topic. It’s our constant poking at it, steady stream of news-stories that keep topics alive, fixation on the details with friends and families – all of that is what keeps our chokehold on a “problem” that doesn’t allow it to move naturally and find its own solution. All of those ways of holding onto a problem are in fact what often perpetuates, aggravates and even creates the suffering we experience.
Now, me beating myself up because I made the phone call and didn’t remember all that at the time – that’s just more of the same. It’s me continuing to hold onto it. I can see that it’s my mind stirring it up again, keeping “the problem” alive and keeping me in suffering about it. I’m human. We’re all human. Sometimes we see clearly and sometimes we don’t. That’s the nature of having a mind.
We all have minds that get caught up. Bu we all have hearts too. We’re all beautiful, well-meaning, ultimately loving creatures just doing the best we can. There has to be room for us to be “imperfect,” get caught up in judgements, forget to wonder about why the human in front of us is acting in ways we don’t understand. There has to be room for us to be forgetful and do stupid stuff that we regret later. We can have compassion for ourselves and our own rash acts, and for the actions of others we don’t understand. Because we can always come back to knowing that everyone is doing the best they can from whatever they can see in the moment. It helps me to know that 100% of those rash acts come from someone, or some group, being caught up in thinking that seems real. All acts of understanding, compassion and cooperation come from the unhurried, peaceful and loving place of a calm mind and heart. The calm mind and heart know that they are safe. All is well. And there is no loss in saying “oh well. Stuff happens.” The calm mind and heart can let go of its clenched grab on the apparent drama of the moment and relax back into the steady stream of life.
Oh well. Exhale. Now onto the next moment and my peaceful relationship to whatever shows up next.
Thank you for being fellow humans with me. We really are all in this together, and I’m grateful for it. So much love and appreciation to you, Christina 17:30:332021-12-17 20:50:45Being Human, “Important Causes” and Room for “Mistakes”
Something happened in my life last week that really rattled me, and I acted out of an uncomfortable feeling of panic. I’m rarely happy with the resulting actions when I do that. (understatement!) I realized later that THIS is the exact kind of situation that would have been served by having a concrete, physical ritual. A physical action to take as a way of dropping an anchor and giving myself a pause. In those moments of fear and extreme upset, it can seem like the action that anxiety is suggesting just HAS to be taken – RIGHT NOW! The mind wants to take action, (almost any action) to make the anxiety go away.
If I had remembered, I could have physically gone to a Kachina doll I made in Lali’s last workshop. I would have been able to touch its realness and been able to interact with its image, its textures, its evocations in me – all of which are not constrained by words or my own biases and old methods of surviving the deeply uncomfortable. The Kachina itself was made with objects from Nature, and made within the container of Lali’s last Kachina workshop. The intention imbued in the Kachina is an awareness of the inherent connection to Nature’s Wisdom, my wisdom, and ways of being in the world that step outside my mind’s limited understanding and conditioning.
Yes, the Kachina reminds me of wisdom that is already inherent within me and everywhere, accessible at any time. Yet it is such a gift to have a non-verbal, natural-image portal to help me step into Larger Wisdom Systems that can show me new options in really uncomfortable situations that threaten my mind and make it want to cling to known (currently unhelpful) patterns.
Fresh from this real-life situation, I am so newly curious, open and glad to be participating in Lali’s springtime Kachina-making workshop. It starts this Saturday and I’ll be helping her do Zoom stuff. And I’ll be making a new Kachina and re-grounding myself in the beauty of innate, pre-language, vast information of Spirit.
I sense that some of my knee-jerk reaction had to do with the general agitation in human consciousness that we are experiencing right now! Maybe making a Kachina and reconnecting to Natural Wisdoms bigger than what we already know appeals to you too right now. If so, I hope you’ll register and join us.
Regardless of whether or not this workshop lights up as a path into that wisdom for you right now, I celebrate YOU and YOUR wisdom. I stand in the knowing that WISDOM is all innate in all of us. Because we are nature, we are LIFE ITSELF. We all will find our paths into new ways of seeing and remembering that we are WHOLE, ONE and inseparable from whatever intelligent energy it is that creates all Life.
As always, thank you so much for reading this and for sharing this awe-inspiring ride with me! Love, Christina 17:35:132021-12-17 20:50:40A Recent Uncomfortable Life Situation, And My Renewed Appreciation of Kachinas!
Song of Enoughness Sung to the tune of “Skip to my Lou!”
There is enough, and there’s always been! I can feel that when I look within! Must’ve been enough, ‘cuz I’m, still here, In the Infinite Universe! Yay! Yay! Thank you, Life! Yay! Yay! Thank you, Love! Yay! Yay! Thank you, Life, In the Infinite Universe!
Thank you, Nature! I love you! Your continuous flow is so truly true! Thank you for bounteous life on Earth, In the Infinite Universe! Yay! Yay! Thank you, Life! Yay! Yay! Thank you, Love! Yay! Yay! Thank you, Life, In the Infinite Universe!
No need to grab onto food or drink, Or money or problems or anything I think! No need to hoard and no need to fight, In the Infinite Universe! Yay! Yay! Thank you, Life! Yay! Yay! Thank you, Love! Yay! Yay! Thank you, Life, In the Infinite Universe! 01:56:062021-12-17 20:51:38Skip To My Lou and the Infinite Universe!
B.I.N.G.O. Song! I Am Not My Thoughts!
Here’s the latest reminder song!
I Am Not The Thoughts!
Sung to the tune of B.I.N.G.O!
There comes a time when you can see,
It’s all made of think-ing!
Me! I’m not the thoughts!
Me! I am just love!
Me! I am the one Who watches all the think-ing!
And as the one who watches thought,
I see what I am. Oh!
Me! I am the Love!
Me! I am the Life!
Me! I am the Light
That shines behind the think-ing!
Singing and playing with you!
Christina Brittain!
It All Happens In The Present
I magining the future, I
T ear myself in a thousand directions of IF.
Re-imagining the past, I
A nchor myself in muddy “truths.”
In either direction, I
L eave myself. Over and over I
L ive in a a
H azy fantasy of fabrication, with no
A wareness of the
P resent and its
P eace. But here, in this moment, all my
E nergy is
N ow. Available.
S imple – without the endless, complex details to
I nvest in.
N ow. Available. Simple. I sit on the
T hrown of presence. Whatever it is that I am is
H ere with this
E xtraordinary
P rivilege of witnessing miraculous movement
R oll through me, as me – this unique
E xpression of Infinite Life.
Seated in this
E xquisite place of seeing, I am truly home, held, in the
N exus of formless and form, love and its celebrations. I
T hrum and pulse and revel in the very aliveness of experience itself.
Thrumming with you, seeing with you, loving with you here in the present moment,
What I Put My Attention On Comes To Life
W.H.A.T. I. P.U.T. M.Y. A.T.T.E.N.T.I.O.N. O.N. C.O.M.E.S. T.O. L.I.F.E.
W elcome
H ome to the infinite yes to choose from. The place of
A ll
T hat
I s, offering Itself to you according to what you give
P riority to. What gets your attention? What blooms
U nder your loving gaze, or flames under your
T errified misunderstanding?
Y our perspective changes everything. The frame of
A wareness casts each
T hing differently, depending on the
T ype of light we place it in. What if
E verything is
N eutral except for the
T one of mind
I lluminating it? The
O bvious to you is not
N ecessarily obvious to anyone else. If I am
O rienting to the light I wield as a searchlight? Well, the infinite yes is transformed into unending
N o. “No, that’s not it….No, that’s not it…” Positioned as searching I
C reate everything as lost, not found. Missing. Lacking. But holding a flashlight? That is an
O pportunity to light up
M y universe! To reveal what is already
E ver-present and waiting for my discovery! A marvelous tool to see the miraculous variety come to life around me!
S hining my attention
T hrought this lens of wonder, Existence rushes joyfully into my beam,
O rdering Itself into the visible,
L oving every minute of the spotlight, which celebrates what it
I lluminates! Such awe in realizing our ability to
F lood the mystery with light and life. We can rejoice in our
E xperience as these bringers of light.
Shining my light on how much I love and appreciate you all!
I Let Life Come To Me
I ‘m already safe. Here. Now. I don’t have to
L eave, wandering the streets, begging to
E at scraps, selling myself for protection, pleading for a place at someone else’s
T able of wellbeing.
L ove lives right here, where safety has always been. It is the glowing hearth
I n my home of homes, inside. I am
F ree and available to the
E nergy that powers everything. Life is safe. I let what
C omes, come in its own way, in its timing,
O ffering Itself to me. Through me. There is always the
M iracle of enough. The illusion of
E mptiness can never be filled out there. Only here, relaxed on my natural
T hrown of presence can I receive the
O bvious truth of infinite security.
M oving, flowing, providing, cherishing, nurturing, nourishing – this is the holy,
E ternal wellspring of being home.
Leaning back with you and allowing life to come in all its wild, safe glory,
Every Emotion Is Welcome Here
E verything is
V ibration.
E xistence is alive;
R ippling,
Y awning,
E xpanding, contracting,
M oving in the ceaseless expansion of its
O neness. Never
T iring of the forms of its
I ntelligent Design. To try and
O wn any bit of that
N ever-still,
I nfinitely changing
S tream just doesn’t make sense.
W e get stuck in one flash of a moment, fearing it will last forever, as
E ternity flows on and on and on… Even if we grasp and
L atch on, the nature of Everything is to
C hange –
O pening always into new
M otion, new
E nergy thoughts! As Infinity Itself, none of those expressions can ever
H arm us. Intense, uncomfortable, wild, ecstatic: All the
E nergies are safe. We can let the
R iver
E njoy its every whim, every creative moment, its every sacred mood.
Thank you for witnessing this mood.
The River of Life Keeps Flowing
Life keeps flowing on, creating. Energy keeps moving. Planets and babies come into being. Seasons, rotations, orbits. Trees fall and give life to infinite others. Thoughts come in and thoughts go out. Always, there is life. Always there is movement, change. Always there is only inclusion – everything is allowed and is there whether we allow it or not.
We can surrender to this, be carried by it and be feel the relief of it. We can know that that life energy will continue to move through us, move us, move as us. We can relax into this mysterious force behind all things that somehow renews, regenerates, recreates in its ineffable intelligence unending.
Sighing and smiling with you in love of our journey,
Being Human, "Important Causes" and Room for "Mistakes"
Hi everyone. I shared in my last writing that something had come up recently that really rattled me. The essence of it is that there’s been a tension between two parties I know and am connected to. We’ll call them Peter and Joyce. I myself can see things that make sense to me in both Peter and Joyce’s perspectives. Peter and Joyce are talking to friends and families and getting more and more worked up about it. Their perspectives are now becoming about “the principle of the thing,” and what is “morally and ethically right.” I myself listened to both sides, felt swept up in both arguments. Caught up in the moment and fresh from a conversation with a friend, busy with my own mind’s desire to voice “my” beliefs, I called Peter to tell him Super unfortunately, I did it at a moment where things were actually starting to calm down! The action felt good for a second – having done something to relieve the internal pressure I was feeling. But then, free from the pressure for a moment, I was able to see how completely unnecessary my phone call was. I could also sense that what I said was coming from a superficial understanding and it was rushed and incomplete. My sense of the situation and any involvement I needed to make and how – all of that needed more time to settle in with me before I acted.
I can see me, Peter and Joyce have all stopped thinking it out for ourselves and gotten lost in a concept of “what’s right.” Causes become about the cause – a solid, almost tangible thing. We begin to serve The Cause (capital letters) and forget the actual circumstances of the moment and the fact that we are interacting with other human beings in this, unique moment. Focused on “the principle of the thing,” we’re blind to what actually makes sense in the particulars of here and now.
Whether it’s our thinking that is sweeping us along, the wash of popular opinion or the opinions of close family and friends, we forget to sit quietly and feel it out for ourselves. Caught up in the fervor of our minds, or group mind, we take action!!! It can feel like such a rush, or almost a feel-good, and often has a sense of relief just to have alleviated some pressure! That was certainly true in my case. The urgency of “The Cause” was fueled by my deep discomfort, and taking action seemed to offer some way to fix the thing I thought was making me uncomfortable to begin with. We, I, forget to pause. To take a moment to settle down and let calmness return. I forgot to take a moment to be alive to the actual people and to what makes sense.
We humans often want to ACT NOW! In that fevered pitch of believing that not only is there a problem (which often there isn’t, or wouldn’t be if we waited a day). We believe that our “problem” is so unbearable and the feelings are so unacceptable that we have to take some action, any action, and NOW, so that we don’t have to feel that discomfort. The discomfort is so often some form of fear. Including the fear of pain, grief, separation that we imagine will destroy us to feel.
And so we do what I did – we act before we feel it out. I can see that if I would have given myself time, I would have settled down naturally. I would have had time to just be with all the information and it would have found its way naturally, rather than needing a forced action. Instead I did take that action based on a bunch of concepts – I made a phone call to a neighbor to “make my point,” to demonstrate my “right answer, “ to “take a stand” and to tell her I disagreed with her flawed thinking. Sheesh.
The single neighbor, and the collective thinking of the group of neighbors, would likely have settled down a bit too. Whether it’s my personal thinking between my own ears, or school-of-fish thinking, all thinking settles down when we leave it alone. If we don’t stir it up by taking action, engaging in more of the same thinking or making unnecessary, righteous phone calls! Life moves on if we let it. The mind moves on to some other topic. It’s our constant poking at it, steady stream of news-stories that keep topics alive, fixation on the details with friends and families – all of that is what keeps our chokehold on a “problem” that doesn’t allow it to move naturally and find its own solution. All of those ways of holding onto a problem are in fact what often perpetuates, aggravates and even creates the suffering we experience.
Now, me beating myself up because I made the phone call and didn’t remember all that at the time – that’s just more of the same. It’s me continuing to hold onto it. I can see that it’s my mind stirring it up again, keeping “the problem” alive and keeping me in suffering about it. I’m human. We’re all human. Sometimes we see clearly and sometimes we don’t. That’s the nature of having a mind.
We all have minds that get caught up. Bu we all have hearts too. We’re all beautiful, well-meaning, ultimately loving creatures just doing the best we can. There has to be room for us to be “imperfect,” get caught up in judgements, forget to wonder about why the human in front of us is acting in ways we don’t understand. There has to be room for us to be forgetful and do stupid stuff that we regret later. We can have compassion for ourselves and our own rash acts, and for the actions of others we don’t understand. Because we can always come back to knowing that everyone is doing the best they can from whatever they can see in the moment. It helps me to know that 100% of those rash acts come from someone, or some group, being caught up in thinking that seems real. All acts of understanding, compassion and cooperation come from the unhurried, peaceful and loving place of a calm mind and heart. The calm mind and heart know that they are safe. All is well. And there is no loss in saying “oh well. Stuff happens.” The calm mind and heart can let go of its clenched grab on the apparent drama of the moment and relax back into the steady stream of life.
Oh well. Exhale. Now onto the next moment and my peaceful relationship to whatever shows up next.
Thank you for being fellow humans with me. We really are all in this together, and I’m grateful for it.
So much love and appreciation to you,
Being Human, “Important Causes” and Room for “Mistakes”
Hi everyone. I shared in my last writing that something had come up recently that really rattled me. The essence of it is that there’s been a tension between two parties I know and am connected to. We’ll call them Peter and Joyce. I myself can see things that make sense to me in both Peter and Joyce’s perspectives. Peter and Joyce are talking to friends and families and getting more and more worked up about it. Their perspectives are now becoming about “the principle of the thing,” and what is “morally and ethically right.” I myself listened to both sides, felt swept up in both arguments. Caught up in the moment and fresh from a conversation with a friend, busy with my own mind’s desire to voice “my” beliefs, I called Peter to tell him Super unfortunately, I did it at a moment where things were actually starting to calm down! The action felt good for a second – having done something to relieve the internal pressure I was feeling. But then, free from the pressure for a moment, I was able to see how completely unnecessary my phone call was. I could also sense that what I said was coming from a superficial understanding and it was rushed and incomplete. My sense of the situation and any involvement I needed to make and how – all of that needed more time to settle in with me before I acted.
I can see me, Peter and Joyce have all stopped thinking it out for ourselves and gotten lost in a concept of “what’s right.” Causes become about the cause – a solid, almost tangible thing. We begin to serve The Cause (capital letters) and forget the actual circumstances of the moment and the fact that we are interacting with other human beings in this, unique moment. Focused on “the principle of the thing,” we’re blind to what actually makes sense in the particulars of here and now.
Whether it’s our thinking that is sweeping us along, the wash of popular opinion or the opinions of close family and friends, we forget to sit quietly and feel it out for ourselves. Caught up in the fervor of our minds, or group mind, we take action!!! It can feel like such a rush, or almost a feel-good, and often has a sense of relief just to have alleviated some pressure! That was certainly true in my case. The urgency of “The Cause” was fueled by my deep discomfort, and taking action seemed to offer some way to fix the thing I thought was making me uncomfortable to begin with. We, I, forget to pause. To take a moment to settle down and let calmness return. I forgot to take a moment to be alive to the actual people and to what makes sense.
We humans often want to ACT NOW! In that fevered pitch of believing that not only is there a problem (which often there isn’t, or wouldn’t be if we waited a day). We believe that our “problem” is so unbearable and the feelings are so unacceptable that we have to take some action, any action, and NOW, so that we don’t have to feel that discomfort. The discomfort is so often some form of fear. Including the fear of pain, grief, separation that we imagine will destroy us to feel.
And so we do what I did – we act before we feel it out. I can see that if I would have given myself time, I would have settled down naturally. I would have had time to just be with all the information and it would have found its way naturally, rather than needing a forced action. Instead I did take that action based on a bunch of concepts – I made a phone call to a neighbor to “make my point,” to demonstrate my “right answer, “ to “take a stand” and to tell her I disagreed with her flawed thinking. Sheesh.
The single neighbor, and the collective thinking of the group of neighbors, would likely have settled down a bit too. Whether it’s my personal thinking between my own ears, or school-of-fish thinking, all thinking settles down when we leave it alone. If we don’t stir it up by taking action, engaging in more of the same thinking or making unnecessary, righteous phone calls! Life moves on if we let it. The mind moves on to some other topic. It’s our constant poking at it, steady stream of news-stories that keep topics alive, fixation on the details with friends and families – all of that is what keeps our chokehold on a “problem” that doesn’t allow it to move naturally and find its own solution. All of those ways of holding onto a problem are in fact what often perpetuates, aggravates and even creates the suffering we experience.
Now, me beating myself up because I made the phone call and didn’t remember all that at the time – that’s just more of the same. It’s me continuing to hold onto it. I can see that it’s my mind stirring it up again, keeping “the problem” alive and keeping me in suffering about it. I’m human. We’re all human. Sometimes we see clearly and sometimes we don’t. That’s the nature of having a mind.
We all have minds that get caught up. Bu we all have hearts too. We’re all beautiful, well-meaning, ultimately loving creatures just doing the best we can. There has to be room for us to be “imperfect,” get caught up in judgements, forget to wonder about why the human in front of us is acting in ways we don’t understand. There has to be room for us to be forgetful and do stupid stuff that we regret later. We can have compassion for ourselves and our own rash acts, and for the actions of others we don’t understand. Because we can always come back to knowing that everyone is doing the best they can from whatever they can see in the moment. It helps me to know that 100% of those rash acts come from someone, or some group, being caught up in thinking that seems real. All acts of understanding, compassion and cooperation come from the unhurried, peaceful and loving place of a calm mind and heart. The calm mind and heart know that they are safe. All is well. And there is no loss in saying “oh well. Stuff happens.” The calm mind and heart can let go of its clenched grab on the apparent drama of the moment and relax back into the steady stream of life.
Oh well. Exhale. Now onto the next moment and my peaceful relationship to whatever shows up next.
Thank you for being fellow humans with me. We really are all in this together, and I’m grateful for it.
So much love and appreciation to you,
A Recent Uncomfortable Life Situation, And My Renewed Appreciation of Kachinas!
Something happened in my life last week that really rattled me, and I acted out of an uncomfortable feeling of panic. I’m rarely happy with the resulting actions when I do that. (understatement!) I realized later that THIS is the exact kind of situation that would have been served by having a concrete, physical ritual. A physical action to take as a way of dropping an anchor and giving myself a pause. In those moments of fear and extreme upset, it can seem like the action that anxiety is suggesting just HAS to be taken – RIGHT NOW! The mind wants to take action, (almost any action) to make the anxiety go away.
If I had remembered, I could have physically gone to a Kachina doll I made in Lali’s last workshop. I would have been able to touch its realness and been able to interact with its image, its textures, its evocations in me – all of which are not constrained by words or my own biases and old methods of surviving the deeply uncomfortable. The Kachina itself was made with objects from Nature, and made within the container of Lali’s last Kachina workshop. The intention imbued in the Kachina is an awareness of the inherent connection to Nature’s Wisdom, my wisdom, and ways of being in the world that step outside my mind’s limited understanding and conditioning.
Yes, the Kachina reminds me of wisdom that is already inherent within me and everywhere, accessible at any time. Yet it is such a gift to have a non-verbal, natural-image portal to help me step into Larger Wisdom Systems that can show me new options in really uncomfortable situations that threaten my mind and make it want to cling to known (currently unhelpful) patterns.
Fresh from this real-life situation, I am so newly curious, open and glad to be participating in Lali’s springtime Kachina-making workshop. It starts this Saturday and I’ll be helping her do Zoom stuff. And I’ll be making a new Kachina and re-grounding myself in the beauty of innate, pre-language, vast information of Spirit.
I sense that some of my knee-jerk reaction had to do with the general agitation in human consciousness that we are experiencing right now! Maybe making a Kachina and reconnecting to Natural Wisdoms bigger than what we already know appeals to you too right now. If so, I hope you’ll register and join us.
Regardless of whether or not this workshop lights up as a path into that wisdom for you right now, I celebrate YOU and YOUR wisdom. I stand in the knowing that WISDOM is all innate in all of us. Because we are nature, we are LIFE ITSELF. We all will find our paths into new ways of seeing and remembering that we are WHOLE, ONE and inseparable from whatever intelligent energy it is that creates all Life.
As always, thank you so much for reading this and for sharing this awe-inspiring ride with me!
Love, Christina
Skip To My Lou and the Infinite Universe!
Song of Enoughness
Song of Enoughness
Sung to the tune of “Skip to my Lou!”
There is enough, and there’s always been!
I can feel that when I look within!
Must’ve been enough, ‘cuz I’m, still here,
In the Infinite Universe!
Yay! Yay! Thank you, Life!
Yay! Yay! Thank you, Love!
Yay! Yay! Thank you, Life,
In the Infinite Universe!
Thank you, Nature! I love you!
Your continuous flow is so truly true!
Thank you for bounteous life on Earth,
In the Infinite Universe!
Yay! Yay! Thank you, Life!
Yay! Yay! Thank you, Love!
Yay! Yay! Thank you, Life,
In the Infinite Universe!
No need to grab onto food or drink,
Or money or problems or anything I think!
No need to hoard and no need to fight,
In the Infinite Universe!
Yay! Yay! Thank you, Life!
Yay! Yay! Thank you, Love!
Yay! Yay! Thank you, Life,
In the Infinite Universe!
Thank you, Infinite Universe!